A.Veryga: so far there is no pretext to adjust the agreement on opening borders with Poland


“As far as I had to discuss with the Polish Minister of Health, we are talking more about a specific region where the spread of the disease has been recorded, then in Lithuania we also have outbreaks where we see a more intense spread, at least the image does not show general of the country, “he said at a press conference on Monday. A.Veryga.

“At least from the data we have today, there is no excuse to adjust the agreements with Poland, today we do not see major risks as a result,” added the minister.

According to the minister, after prime ministers agreed last week that “Poland will join the Baltic travel bubble,” specialists will continue to assess the situation and coordinate the final conditions for opening the borders.

“There are now epidemiologists and infectologists, i. And. Specialists will agree on the final conditions of how the movement between Lithuania and Poland can be completely renewed,” said A.Veryga.

At least from the data we have today, there is no pretext to adjust the agreements with Poland, today we do not see major risks as a result.

A record number of coronavirus cases were recorded in Poland over the weekend, most of them linked to a coal mine in the south of the country.

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis announced last Friday after a conversation with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki that this week he restored free movement between Poland and the Baltic States.

According to the current procedure in Lithuania, the departure of compatriots from the country has no restrictions, but when returning to Lithuania from a state where the number of cases exceeds 15 cases per 100,000. population, two weeks of isolation are required.

A different procedure applies to foreigners who wish to come to Lithuania, if the number of COVID-19 cases in a foreign country during the last 14 days is 100,000. the population is between 15 and 25 years old, the citizens of that country can come to Lithuania, but 14 days of isolation are required. If the number of cases does not exceed 15 cases per 100,000. Citizens of these countries not only can enter but also do not need isolation.

If the number of diseases exceeds 25 cases, 100 thousand. residents, foreigners are prohibited from entering.

The list of countries that meet these requirements is coordinated by the three Baltic States, among which restrictions on movement have been lifted. This list is published every Monday.

The latest list published by the Ministry of Health includes 28 countries from which foreigners can enter. Two-week self-isolation is not necessary for both Lithuanians and foreigners upon arrival of 26 of them. Among these countries is Poland.
