A. Veryga: recommendations for people at risk will be changed


Gradually open the door

In addition to the resort festival, which draws crowds and draws crowds of tourists, the rest of Palanga promises that despite the broken tradition and uncertainty about future favorite events, city guests will definitely not be bored during the tourist season. active.

The resort invites you to enjoy all that this wonderful corner of the beach has been famous for a long time, to remember your favorite and discover new cognitive routes.

Pleasures: The sunny weather invites you to enjoy passive and active entertainment.

Gradually, not only restaurants and accommodation establishments that have temporarily suspended their activities due to the quarantine are opening their doors: since this week, the Palanga Tourist Information Center (TIC) is already receiving visitors.

Pleasures: The sunny weather invites you to enjoy passive and active entertainment.

As their manager Rasa Kmitienė admitted, the staff who handled the smooth and meaningful stay of the resort’s guests also had to adapt to the new circumstances, rethinking the advertising strategy, as most of the activities moved to the electronic space. , keeping in touch with the world through Facebook or ICT website.

“And now the focus is on what can be done in open public spaces without visiting the facilities. Of course, the complex’s museums that have opened their doors to offer their various exhibitions and entertainment are gradually starting to function, so really We invite you not to miss them this summer too, “said R. Kmitienė, director of the Palanga Tourist Information Center.

Shots: Palanga is a perfect place to capture fun moments of life.

An intriguing and living story

For those who like to walk and especially for those who are interested in history, ICT specialists offer to travel around Count Tiškevičius Palanga.

“The publications that describe this route that we have prepared can be collected in our center. And its objects can be arranged by the visitor as they wish. We offer to try not only this historical route, but also discover the ancient towns of Palanga”, urged the interlocutor.

Shots: Palanga is a perfect place to capture fun moments of life.

The last route will take you on a journey more than 100 years ago: connecting up to 27 historical ones from the 19th century. pab. – XX a. I am next to the villas and other important objects of the complex’s architecture.

The unique wooden and brick buildings enrich and represent the landscape of Palanga: this heritage allows us to see the development of the complex since the 19th century. pab. for this day.

Shots: Palanga is a perfect place to capture fun moments of life.

“2020 has been declared the year of Vilnius Gaon and the Jewish history of Lithuania, so those who want to discover a slightly different Palanga or another historical side of it are invited to travel in the complex with traces of heritage culture Jewish, “advised R. Kmitienė. “Well, for those who are not very keen to delve into the history of the city, we offer to visit the sculptures and monuments of Palanga, we have also prepared a special guide to get interesting cognitive information.”

Another guide to information prepared by the resort’s ICT specialists, which recommends 10 sights, invites you to take a look not only at Palanga, but also at Šventoji.

Shots: Palanga is a perfect place to capture fun moments of life.

Fun, active, meaningful

“Although we still cannot pamper ourselves with spa treatments or enjoy the warm weather in Palanga, we will not be really sad at the resort. Ventilating our heads while walking along the shore of the windy sea, listening to the battles of the waves and screaming seagulls is only one sort of attraction. And you can hide from the wind by resorting to the “Lab-rytes” health trail, where people who run, walk or otherwise like to spend time will always find something to do, “recalled R. Kmitienė, the head of ICT Palanga, on the popular object of the complex.

Five active recreation areas with outdoor exercise machines and other equipment on the 6 km long forest trail are suitable for both sports and short breaks, and wooden benches and bike racks are installed here for the comfort of visitors.

Preparation: the team that has revived the stretch of the sea will soon leave the beach for vacationers.

“We try to ensure that Palanga guests receive accessible and useful information to make the trip to our resort enjoyable and interesting for them. So if you don’t come to our center during work, visitors shouldn’t be out. Relevant information about Palanga and its attractions can be found at the nearby information literature collection point, ”said R. Kmitienė.

According to the interlocutor, at least three of these literature collection points should soon appear elsewhere, one of them in Šventoji.

Heritage: Ancient architecture creates a unique face of Palanga.

Take care of comfortable beaches

Gediminas Valinevičius, director of the company Palangos Komunalinis ūkis, assured that the guests of the resort who chose to rest on the beach will be able to enjoy a comfortable and orderly environment.

“As every year, at the end of the summer season, certain infrastructure is renewed: wooden paths are placed through the dunes on the beach, access to the coast is arranged, dunes are made that reinforce the dunes, etc. , so the main works begin in winter. However, this year is exceptional because almost until mid-May we did not know what the recommendations for the operation of the beaches would be, how we would have to guarantee the hygiene requirements. taking all the inventory to the beaches, setting it up in such a short time and then supervising the company according to the recommendations is, of course, a considerable challenge, ”admitted G. Valinevičius.

Attraction: J.Basanavičiaus Street is vibrant at any time of the year.

So, as the interlocutor joked, unlike tourists, utility workers are satisfied with the virgin climate thus far, giving them some time for reserve maintenance work.

Starting this week, company employees began transporting the necessary inventory to the beaches, changing cabins, banks, trash cans, toilets.

For example, in the coastal section of Palanga there will be 134 changing cabins, 340 banks, 8 container toilets, which will not only have to be built, but also connected and installed with all equipment.

“We have everything ready for June 1. The scope of work is very wide, so human resources and finances are really needed,” said the head of the company.

Heritage: Ancient architecture creates a unique face of Palanga.

The most important thing is security.

Rescuers will also patrol the entire beach lane beginning June 1; They will be on duty at the central rescue station from May 15.

According to G.Valinevičius, the most delicate subject for public services remains the section from Birutė hill to Rąžė stream, a place that was full of sand.

“Although the sand filling works have been formally completed, they have not yet been added, so we are not allowed to carry out any activities,” said the interviewee of the current situation.

Through the mediation of the municipality of Palanga, it is hoped to resolve this problem as quickly as possible.

Symbol: inhaling the salty Baltic air on the sea bridge is just a must-see attraction.

The head of the Palanga Municipal Farm did not deny that the new recommendations for beach recreation also promise considerable challenges.

“It will be really difficult to control a large mass of people, so we hope that the tourists themselves will understand and be kind to taking care of themselves.” In turn, we will deal with information boards and audio messages, what recommendations should be followed on the beaches, “said G. Valinevičius.

To work without panic

And the fact that neither the resort’s beaches nor other public spaces will be without the hustle and bustle of summer guests this year, one can expect the gradual activation of accommodation reservations in Palanga.

“Currently, the residents of our country are mainly interested in accommodation services, since the crossing of state borders is still limited. Therefore, we hope that with the gradual opening of the borders, the interest of foreigners, “said Ingrida Valaitienė, President of the Palanga Hotel and Restaurant Association. – In previous years, at the end of May, the occupancy of tourist hotels was already quite good, reaching 60 or even 70 percent. However, when evaluating the situation this year, we try to remain optimistic, we are glad that there is no silence or panic when the institutions open and there is more clarity. We are transmitting this message that everything is fine, that we are already working and following all the recommendations , also for our guests ”.

According to the interlocutor, since accommodation services could only be started as of May 11, some hotels have been reopened so far, others are gradually opening, especially since some services, both catering and wellness, are still limited or even forbidden

Run to the tracks

By June 1, according to I.Valaitienė, all resort hotels promise to start.

“Now everyone is focusing on a successful start to get back on track and employees are getting their skills back. And later we can talk about summer business plans and innovations, which I will definitely have. It just takes time. Because the pandemic disrupted the plans of many, everyone inevitably had to take a break from activities, so it is natural that certain investments and new ideas from entrepreneurs have moved a little, “said the head of the Hotel Association and Palanga Restaurants.

Of course, many of those planning their summer vacation in Palanga are also concerned with the question of whether the business losses caused by the quarantine will mean that resort guests won’t have to open their wallets more widely.

According to the interlocutor, a little before a survey was carried out among the members of the association on whether they intend to increase the prices of services.

“And the answer was that employers would not really raise them drastically,” said the interviewee.
