A.Veryga decided: patients at risk of coronavirus will be visited at home by family doctors and nurses


“Visiting patients is not great news, and before the coronavirus was made, patients were visited,” Verery said at a news conference Thursday. – Now there are some details. Again, not all patients require such a visit. For patients who need care at home but may not yet need to be admitted to a hospital facility, such a team will be able to help. “

The Minister emphasized that everyone is seeing the tension in medical institutions, the number of patients admitted to hospitals is constantly growing, teams are being formed for this.

When asked if there is any fear that more doctors will get sick from this procedure, A.Veryga said that doctors learned to be careful and to use personal protective equipment during this pandemic.

“Just as doctors are careful when they work in medical institutions, I have no doubt that they will be able to care when they visit patients at home,” he said.

It will be open from 8 am to 8 pm

According to the document signed by A.Veryga, the risk group includes people aged 65 or over or suffering from chronic diseases, as well as pregnant women.

The mobile team that will visit these patients consists of a family doctor, a general practice nurse and an auxiliary nurse.

The procedure approved by A.Veryga establishes that the municipal administrations of the cities and districts must form one or more medical teams that provide services in the territories of the municipality.

It is estimated that this team will work from 8 am to 8 pm At other times, if the patient’s condition deteriorates, you will need to call an ambulance.

According to the procedure established by A.Veryga, if the patient feels new symptoms or their health condition worsens, they should consult their family doctor. This person, after determining that the patient needs to be examined, fills in a special form in e-health.

The team visits patients on the day of patient referral. The order of visit of patients will be determined by the director of the health institution, taking into account the health status of patients and their place of residence.

“The first visit to the patient is made by the family doctor and the team’s nursing assistant. During the visit, the family doctor evaluates the patient’s health status and decides if the patient can be treated on an outpatient basis and, if necessary yes, if you need a direct follow-up ”, indicates the procedure.

If the patient is found to be in serious condition upon arrival, an ambulance is called and transported to a hospital serving COVID-19 patients.

“If the patient is assigned to direct follow-up, a team nurse (or a community nurse) and a nursing assistant will visit the patient’s home at the intervals specified by the GP on the second and subsequent visits “. the patient can also be taken to the family doctor.

The procedure emphasizes that members of the medical team must wear protective equipment.

By the way, the members of your medical team are different.

Protective equipment for family doctor, general practice nurse or community nurse: FFP2 respirator, glasses, disposable raincoat, disposable cap, booties, disposable gloves.

At that time, the nurse’s assistant: a medical mask, disposable gloves. It is true that he does not go to the patient’s home in the prescribed manner.

The first visit to the patient’s home is planned to be carried out only by a family doctor, the second – only by a general practice nurse.

A nursing assistant is provided to assist the family doctor and nurse in dressing and removing equipment.

Municipalities are also instructed to provide team members with pulse oximeters, blood pressure monitors, stetopone endoscopes, and non-contact thermometers.

Previously, A.Veryga had informed city administrations about plans to change the procedure by instructing family doctors to visit coronavirus patients. All coronavirus patients were then considered.
