A.Veryga already recommends working shifts in offices, feeding children in classes at schools, considering restricting planned medical services again


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A.Veryga and epidemiologist Daiva Razmuvienė, a doctor at the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), will communicate with the media remotely again on Monday.

Recommend shift work

A.Veryga presented new recommendations for work in offices and institutions. It is recommended to work in shifts and wear masks during meetings if they are conducted live.

“The goal is simple: if an infection occurs, the company doesn’t necessarily stop,” he explained.

In schools, according to the Minister of Health, children should, if possible, eat the food they bring from home in the classrooms and not in the dining rooms. For free meals, food must also be served in classrooms. The minister acknowledged that not all schools will be able to follow that order, so it is allowed to eat in dining rooms, but then it is necessary to control flows, disinfect surfaces and hands, and ventilate the premises.

According to D.Razmuvienė, educational institutions are ready to work, but if children or relatives belong to the risk group, it is better not to participate in the celebrations of September 1.

The minister assured that, according to epidemiologists, the optimal time to do coronavirus tests is at least five days after contact, and the optimal time is 7-9 days, so weekly shifts in schools may not work .

“The more days, the lower the risk. (…) If the municipality is prepared properly, without shifts, but still divides those shifts into small groups, then I think it will be possible to see the result very soon and then possibly change something” , said.

Traveling will be more difficult

R.Veryga admitted that there are more infected people in Lithuania than the safe limit in EU countries, therefore Lithuanians who travel may have to isolate themselves or are not allowed to enter certain countries.

“Countries may apply different testing requirements, there are countries that require you to take the test, others do the tests themselves. I couldn’t list them all, because the practices are different, “explained A. Veryga.

SAM intends to publish its list and applicable requirements after consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition, after Lithuania crossed 16 cases of coronavirus per 100,000 inhabitants, a follow-up meeting with the Baltic States will be held this week.

The opening hours of the bars will be decided on Wednesday

The minister is confident that apps that help track the attendance of bars and clubs will not stop the spread of the virus, so it is time to consider shortening the opening hours of bars. The ministry will propose to the government to do this on Wednesday.

“The application does not protect against infections, (…) it would allow contact tracing. But the main objective of managing the infection is probably not to trace the contacts, but to prevent the infection from spreading. The traceability of the contacts is only one of the infection management tools, it really shouldn’t be overestimated by any application, “the minister said at a press conference.

According to him, countries with similar devices control that not all install them, that they are not activated or that they are not used for their intended purpose.

The opening hours of night cafes and bars are not reduced.

We are in the middle of a peak

Comparing the situation in April, when the peak of the coronavirus spread was said to have been reached, the current minister assured that “now we are somewhere in the middle of that highest peak.”

He assured that the increase in new cases in spring was very strong, and now the growth of new cases is slower.

“This does not mean that we can calm down and ignore it, but the speed of spread is a little different,” explained the minister.

A.Veryga secured the peak by calculating new cases and other indicators to be determined daily.

“Now the age structure is a little different,” he said.

Drew up a stoplight plan

However, according to A.Veryga, on Monday, a meeting with hospital managers will discuss when and how to start preparing a reservation for bedridden coronavirus patients and slow down scheduled services.

“There is a preliminary plan for how we view it as a ‘stoplight’, but it has not yet been discussed with treatment providers. That should happen today. There they will discuss the reserve of beds, on what indicators and when the services provided, especially hospital treatment, should be reduced slightly to maintain a certain reserve of beds if the spread continues active, ”said the minister.

We fill up.

The number of patients treated in hospitals per day increases by one. According to Monday, 36 people are currently being treated for coronavirus in hospitals, seven of them in resuscitation and intensive care units. Artificial lung ventilation is applied to two people, 20 people are treated with oxygen masks.

Last day, 32 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania, the total number is 2906, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reported on Monday.

Currently, 967 people still have coronavirus infection and 1,840 have recovered.

A total of 86 people died from COVID-19 and 13 people died from other causes.

There are 4890 people in isolation.

As of June 1, 188 import cases had been registered in Lithuania.

During the last day, 1535 samples were analyzed in laboratories, so far a total of 639 thousand samples have been analyzed. 44 samples.
