A trip to Königsberg: a military city that until recently foreigners could not enter


You can read the first part here: A trip to Königsberg: lessons on how to behave and what not to do on the Russian border

I think there is little contradiction that it would be better for Lithuania to remain a German country, because we would have a stable and friendly neighbor. Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of options and changes here, so we are forced to live on the side of the bomb. During my trip to Königsberg, I also visited a military city, a unique place that was closed for many years not only to foreigners, but also to Soviet citizens.

The Russians moved to this country after World War II, occupying it and expelling the Germans who lived there, who now no longer smell, except for some of the oldest of German descent.

But no matter how severely this former part of East Prussia was devastated with the capital, Königsberg, at the end of the war, it was impossible to destroy everything. There are still buildings, roads, towers or other legacies of German construction in the area that, although in most cases in poor condition, still adorn the terrain and make it more visually attractive.
