A. Tapinas: 81 dogs kept in extreme poverty conditions were released in the Kaunas district


Constantly called

Irma Kirgetovienė from Kaunas assured Kauno Diena that she had cared and cared for her 77-year-old mother Anastasia Kubilienė for several years: eight years ago, the woman suffered a stroke, then the right side of her body was paralyzed, she spoke only in a language he understood. Later, A. Kubilienė suffered from kidney failure; a couple of years ago he was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism.

“In the summer I leave my mother in a nursing home for a month or two, and so on for four years. I had to take her home earlier, but she contracted urinary tract inflammation, so she stayed in the nursing home until Early September. He called from the nursing home on September 2 and said “Mom is choking, vomits clots. They took her by ambulance from the nursing home to the Kaunas clinics, “she says.

When I asked him about my mother’s health, he scolded me: he doesn’t speak, that’s what I can tell you.

The patient was taken to the Emergency Department of the Kaunas Clinics of the Lithuanian Health Sciences University Hospital (LSMU) around 11.30 a.m., and the relatives were not admitted to the medical institution due to coronavirus restrictions.

“She told me to call every two hours. She said she was doing tests, and although she was very begging to be allowed to be near my mother, that she couldn’t take care of herself, but the doctors replied that they would not allow it at all. Calling at 2 in the afternoon, she said her mother was still doing the tests. I asked her about my mother’s health, she said: she does not speak, that’s what I can tell you, “recalls I. Kirgetovien.” After calling at 4.30pm, they told me that my mother had had a heart attack, she was waiting for a cardiologist to consult. two hours later I heard that my mother was no longer in the Kaunas clinics, she disappeared, I do not understand how such a serious patient can be taken to another medical institution without informing her relatives, I said that my mother is powerless, that I take care of her, but she didn’t even ask for my phone number to warn me that they were going to take her to another medical center. “

Searching all over Kaunas?

According to the interlocutor, it was said that the patient was transferred to a hospital belonging to the place of residence. “The doctors said that the system did not show which hospital they took me to. I was not in the hospital, so I don’t even know which medical institution we belong to based on where we live. It gave me the impression that I needed to look for my mother by all of Kaunas “.

The doctors complained that we, the relatives, had not been informed to which medical institution the mother had been transferred.

It turns out that A. Kubilienė was taken to LSMU Kaunas Hospital in Laivės Alley. “We spoke with the staff for about ten minutes and only then did my mother’s name enter the system. The doctors were told that we, the relatives, had not been told which medical center the mother had been taken to”, said the interlocutor. He was also surprised that another diagnosis was recorded in the documents: heart failure and kidney problems.

A. Kubilienė was taken to Kaunas Hospital last week, Wednesday night, after about a day that her life was exhausted. “The cause of death is progressive heart and respiratory failure, urinary tract infection, progressive kidney failure, and other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease. The worst of all these prohibitions is that patients and their loved ones suffer. I couldn’t even be with her, “the woman sighed.

I can’t allocate time

Karolina Vaikšnoraitė, Chief Specialist of the Communication Service of the Kaunas Clinics, stated that a 77-year-old woman was taken to the Emergency Department due to respiratory failure.

“This condition may have been caused by acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, comorbidities, and aggravated chronic heart failure related to the patient’s age, as well as other lung diseases. Following these studies, the diagnoses of acute myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism they were ruled out and aggravated by comorbidities and exacerbations of chronic heart failure aggravated by and was transported, “said a spokeswoman for the treatment facility.

According to K. Vaikšnoraitė, patients who do not know what medical interventions may be necessary during treatment, cannot eat or drink, because accumulated food and gas produced in the intestine during digestion can complicate the course of the examination and the image quality.

“In this case, the patient received the utmost care and a very detailed examination was performed to determine the cause of the exacerbation,” said a representative from Kaunas Clinics. “We regret that due to the department’s high employment and changes in working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency personnel receive a large number of calls from patient relatives, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. , when family visits and visitor access to the hospital are restricted. We understand that this is a concern for family members and the hospital staff constantly strives to provide information on the patient’s condition and reassure them, but due to intensive work we do not He is always able to answer calls and answer all questions of interest. “

According to K.Vaikšnoraitė, around 200 people report to the Kaunas Clinics Emergency Department every day for various reasons, some of which need immediate help. “As the flu season approaches, the flow of patients will increase even more, so we want to apologize to our loved ones in advance if we cannot always show as much attention as we would like,” said a spokeswoman for the treatment center.
