A. Tapin, who was ill, reported self-isolation


On the ships, boxes of cod?

According to the regulation of the Council of the European Union, any commercial fishing directed at cod should be prohibited. However, the situation is the opposite. As of January 1, 2020, recreational fishermen are completely prohibited from fishing for cod off the Lithuanian coast. these fish are successfully traded in the markets. So how do you understand that double standard? “- Amateur fisherman Darius Kvietkauskas was angry.

October 17 between 10 am and 2 pm at sea near Karkle, a man captured dozens of nets built.

“The nets were installed between 8 and 12 km from the coast. At that time, two or three fishing boats were sailing, where people who worked in the nets took large catches of cod from the nets. They nailed and loaded in boxes. Apart from the cod, no other fish were seen in the nets. The assumption that the cod was caught on purpose, “the man suspected.

A few days later, the situation was repeated, so the fisherman rushed to call the Fisheries Service.

Darius Kvietkauskas / Photo by Vytautas Liaudanskis

“I called the Fisheries Service on October 19. I received a response that the cod could be caught and sold to entrepreneurs. I see that the public interest could have been harmed. There is an illegal hunt going on. That the will not be caught. sea ​​with a fishing rod, and here the networks of entrepreneurs are given total freedom ”, said D. Kvietkauskas.

Kilogram – 4 euros

According to the fisherman, the cod is currently moving from the summer feeding grounds to the coast.

“They go back to feeding on small fish. Entrepreneurs build 4.5 to 5 cm mesh nets. The fry don’t even fall into these nets. It is not difficult to see which fish get caught in these nets. Officer “It’s a lot of fun, you can’t fish for cod and these fish are full of markets,” said the man.

Everyone understands that you will not catch the sea with a fishing rod, and here the networks of entrepreneurs have total freedom.

D. Kvietkauskas has kept a series of ads about fishermen for sale found on social media by fishermen entrepreneurs.

“Cod – as much as you want, four euros per kilogram. Some of them declare in which market they sell – Klaipėda or Kretinga. Others are silent, but when they contact, they say they sell in Tilžė market,” said the fisherman.

The fisherman sent his observations to the European Commissioner Virginia Sinkevičius, responsible for the environment, oceans and fisheries sectors of the European Commission.

“I did not get an answer. And it is a pity,” said the fisherman.

For taxes – cents

Kęstutis Klimavičius, president of the “Salmon Diary” association, which brought together a thousand fishing enthusiasts in the port city this summer, assured that the situation experienced by the fisherman is truly scandalous.

“Hands are open to poaching. Officially, cod entrepreneurs cannot catch what they are catching other fish. In fact, selective fishing for cod is taking place, it is only declared as a by-catch. This is a obvious patronage of commercial fishing, “explained K. Klimavičius.

Fishermen are also outraged that different rules are applied to hobbyists and entrepreneurs.

“A fisherman who has gone out to catch other fish can also catch cod. Cod taken from the deep is likely to die. And he will not explain to anyone that it is a by-catch. An amateur fisherman will have to pay a fine, but a businessman no “, emphasized K. Klimavičius.

Amateur anglers are convinced that controlling commercial fishing costs the state more than the fees this business pays.

Trade: Fishermen offer entrepreneurs to buy fresh cod on social media. / Reader’s photo

“During the year, fishermen and businessmen paid only 250 thousand euros in taxes. And it was declared that a thousand tons of fish were caught. It turns out that Lithuania received only 20 euro cents per ton of taxes. Very low figures. We all understand that in you actually catch almost twice as much. ” said K. Klimavičius.

For the lagoon, a new order

Passions also arise due to the fishing procedures in the Curonian Lagoon. Proposals to ban commercial fishing in inland waters or at least in the Curonian Lagoon are still in trouble in the country.

The businessmen argue that the ban on commercial fishing will deprive Lithuanians of the opportunity to eat fresh fish.

“We estimate that these entrepreneurs provided each citizen of the country with only 300 grams of fish fillets caught in the Curonian lagoon per year. These are also unfortunate numbers,” said K. Klimavičius.

The Ministry of the Environment proposes to change the procedure for commercial fishing in the Curonian Lagoon. Comments and suggestions are welcome until October 27.

Inspected by: The Fisheries Service announces that on September 3 out of 5 Lithuanian trawlers fishing in the Baltic Sea were inspected at the fish landing sites in Klaipeda, of which 7.2 thousand were landed. kg of herring, 50 kg of sprat, 1.7 thousand. kg of by-catches of plaice and 117 kg of cod. No discrepancies were found. / Fisheries Service Photo

Based on the information provided by scientists on the salmon and sea trout populations and their migration routes and the analysis of the commercial fishing catches in the Curonian lagoon, a closure period of one and a half months is planned. 2 km from the eastern shore of the Curonian Lagoon and 6 to 12 fishing rods from the western shore to the street.

Fishing would be prohibited not only with construction nets, as is currently the case, but also with traps.

The business of sea fishermen hardens

The business of Lithuanian fishermen who fish in the Baltic Sea will harden: 70% will be allowed next year. lower by-catches of eastern cod, more than a third a reduction in the quota for herring fishing, but an increase in the quota for sprat and salmon.

This was agreed this week by the Council of Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries of the EU.

“We have achieved what we have been able to achieve on the basis of scientific advice, because the European Commission has made proposals on the basis of scientific advice on sustainable fishing limits, and quotas are being set on that basis,” said Evaldas Gustas, Deputy Minister Agriculture, to BNS on Tuesday.

According to him, next year, compared with this year, 70 percent. By-catches of eastern cod in other species will be reduced to 33 tonnes, but after exploitation, Lithuania will be able to ask other Baltic countries to share its quotas.

“There is an accepted statement that if we use that 33 tonne quota, we will have the opportunity to apply to other member states and they will be able to share their unused quotas with Lithuania so that we do not stop fishing,” the deputy minister said.

2021 Lithuanian fishermen will be able to catch 2.8 thousand. tons of herring in the central basin: 36 percent. less than this year. 14 thousand sprats will be allowed to fish. tons – 6 percent. plus. The salmon quota in the main basin has increased by 9%. up to 1,464.

According to the deputy minister, Lithuania wanted the reduction of herring fishing quotas to be less significant, but due to scientific recommendations it was not possible to increase them.

“We did not win at the moment, but together with the Latvians we made a political statement that we are concerned about this situation and we ask that we look for ways not to reduce the quotas so drastically every year,” Gustas said.

Source: BNS.
