A study in France found that hospitalized COVID-19 had almost three times the death rate of influenza.


The researchers, whose article was published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, examined morbidity data in France.

The researchers compared 89,530 COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized in March and April of this year with 45,819 hospitalized patients between 2018. December and 2019 in February due to seasonal flu.
16.9 percent died during the study period. hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Meanwhile, mortality among seasonal influenza patients admitted to the hospital was 5.8 percent.

Catherine Quantin, a professor at Dijon University Hospital and the French National Institutes of Health, one of the study’s authors, said the death rate was “particularly shocking,” as in 2018-2019. the flu season in France has claimed the most lives in the last 5 years.

The study authors also note that the different number of hospital admissions, which was nearly twice as many for COVID-19 as for influenza, can be explained by the fact that some people may be immune to a particular strain of influenza or be vaccinated.

The researchers also found that COVID-19 patients were more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit, 16.3 percent, compared with 10.8 percent. in the case of influenza, and the average stay in that unit was almost double (15 days for COVID-19 and 8 days for influenza).

Additionally, COVID-19 accounted for 1.4% of hospital admissions and 19.5% for influenza.

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