A specific location for a migrant tent camp is already being investigated: local authorities complain about such plans


Giedrius Mišutis, a representative of the State Border Guard Service (SBGS), said that this was not the only place to visit, thinking about where to put the tent city.

“I am not the only one, but I cannot say anything about the decision. (…) And the ministry staff is watching. The Ministry of the Interior (MIA) had to receive the lists of municipalities yesterday. but we also look elsewhere, “said G. Mišutis.

The representative of the Ministry of the Interior, Mindaugas Bajarūnas Delfi, stated that several possible places in the border municipalities to set up a tent camp were considered in order of priority.

“Several places are being considered that would meet the security criteria, be away from residential areas, in terms of logistics, so that they can be fenced off,” said M. Bajarūnas.

The Šalčininkai district government was surprised by the idea

Josif Rybak, Šalčininkai district municipal administration director, said they had unexpectedly received a preliminary offer from SBGS on Monday when considering a refugee tent camp in their district.

“It would be about 200 tents (about 1,000 people). There are no practical possibilities for that. That burden on the municipality would be unbearable. You see, we are a border area. If all medical care, food, camping equipment, soc. The package, the hygiene, the water, we simply will not be able to organize it, not for lack of desire, but because we do not have those economic, financial or organizational resources, ”said J. Rybakas.

A representative of the municipality estimates that 200,000 would be needed to feed just 1,000 migrants. per month.

“Look, if there are a thousand refugees, yes – 5.60 euros per meal per day, as it is now the SBGS rate (for us it can be applied differently), you receive about 6000 euros a day, that is 200 thousand. per month. This I will stop paying me benefits, the budget does not have that money.

And here there is only one aspect: the catering. Express – we only have a brigade and a half, we save one more from the budget, not from the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund budget, because we cannot reach our population in the area. And now we have a thousand refugees, including a very diverse audience. Part of that audience wants immediate medical help, “said J. Rybakas.

The head of the municipal administration was angry that the border with Belarus is not a border with the Salcininkai district.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We need to understand that. We have to contribute, we continue to contribute to logistics, transportation, we can contribute to catering. We needed beds, we sent them to the Lazdijai district somewhere. We shipped the mattresses. But just not. it is possible to establish a refugee city two kilometers from the city, ”explained J. Rybakas.

Even if they promise to give all the necessary funds, the city of stores does not want

The head of the municipal administration stressed on several occasions that the proposal was very preliminary.

“The SBGS is only looking for possible places where a city of this type can be installed. Yesterday, due to all the anger, we discussed the proposal in the presence of a representative of the SBGS at a meeting of our extraordinary commission. There was one hundred percent of unanimous disagreement, “said J. Rybakas.

According to the head of the municipal administration, the place in question is located between the city and the border point.

“That would be one kilometer to the border and two and a half kilometers to the city,” Rybak explained.

Even if the state promised to provide all the necessary funds and take care of logistical matters, the local authorities would not support such decisions.

“You see, there is no quarantine here. In the tent city, people show up after the quarantine and will stay there for some time. If they are not arrested, they are free,” said J. Rybakas.

According to the representative of the municipality, an important issue arises regarding the security of the local community and its resistance.

“It just came to our knowledge then. (…) And it is also unsafe on the border, and now such a concentrated army of young people, even if someone gives the resources, our consultations will in no way force the community to change its mind” J. Rybakas said.

The military will be used to help

On Wednesday, after the government meeting, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė assessed the latest situation on the border between Lithuania and Belarus. According to her, the Government approached the Seimas and requested that an extraordinary session of the Seimas be organized.

I. Šimonytė assured that the situation on the border is evaluated as hybrid aggression.

“We see the process itself as a hybrid aggression, which is not directed even against Lithuania, but against the entire EU. Apparently, the basis for this is the well-known principled position of the EU and Lithuania on the rigged election results and the repression against civil society (…) We believe that both active and passive institutions of the Belarusian regime are involved in organizing the flows of illegal immigrants, and the conditions for crossing the border are deliberately created.

And for that we would also see the objective of causing damage to our state, perhaps destabilizing the situation, and this situation is particularly sensitive because the military exercises that begin this summer and autumn – Zapad – is an additional context that we must take into account. . “- Prime Minister I. Šimonytė spoke at the press conference.

He said the government had taken a number of tactical measures that should help address the problem.

“Army forces will be used to help border services, they will increase the number of people who physically supervise the order at the border. The implementation of an additional physical barrier between the Republic of Lithuania and Belarus will also be launched. Which, of course, would be a signal and a deterrent for the organizers of illegal migratory flows, ”he said.

“This is not really a masonry wall or an iron wall. We are talking about a concertina type barrier. As used by the military for their own purposes,” he said.

He said that the Government should approve the bill already this Friday, which will ask the Seimas to consider it as a matter of special urgency. The organization of an extraordinary session of the Seimas on legal acts that would simplify and speed up asylum procedures is requested.

I. Šimonytė declared that he would go to Greece next week.

We will not solve the problem on our own.

The Prime Minister said that the timing of this problem will be determined by the dynamics of the flows.

“We really cannot solve this problem with our capabilities, it will still depend on the agreements or achievements that we can reach with the other parties,” he explained.

I. Šimonytė stated that “the army (on the border, aut. P.) will definitely not shoot.”

“I am very sorry and terrified that such statements are heard. I would suggest that everyone take his words very seriously. These people, as a rule, are victims of values ​​and a regime that is completely isolated from people and their rights. They are often misled by stories that it is very easy to enter the EU, you only have to pay a large sum of money. (…) Humanitarianly, it is often a tragedy, that is why we have to look at it with great responsibility ”, assured Prime Minister I. Šimonytė.

He explained that because the stretch is very long, border services are physically limited.

“The army will stand alongside the border guards, there will be such a double force,” the prime minister said.

At a press conference organized by the Prime Minister, I. Šimonytė also said that help from municipalities is most needed for the quarantine period of illegal immigrants. And after that, compact detention facilities will be used, for which the Interior Ministry is now looking for space and technical equipment.

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