A so-called silent killer disease claims three times more lives than COVID-19: how can its complications be avoided?


More than 10 million people die from hypertension each year. people. This number is three times higher than deaths from the COVID-19 virus. While all efforts are currently focused on controlling the pandemic, doctors recommend that blood pressure control be considered.

Sigita Glaveckaitė, president of the Lithuanian Heart Association, cardiologist and associate professor, says in a statement to the media: “Blood pressure control remains insufficient both in Lithuania and around the world. In about 1 in 2 patients treated in Europe, blood pressure is still too high, although international guidelines for the treatment of hypertension recommend normalizing blood pressure during the first three months of treatment.

According to 2019-2021, it collected more than 200 thousand. In the results of single patients who visited the doctors, an increase in blood pressure was found by 40.8%. population. In Lithuania, 45% have high blood pressure. men and 39 percent. women.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

According to the latest data, the disease is getting younger due to changes in lifestyle habits, decreased activity and unbalanced diet. However, the most difficult situation is still in the age group 70 to 80 years. Only half of the Lithuanian population over 50 do not have high blood pressure.

Often I don’t know yet if you have high blood pressure.

Of the almost 60 thousand. up to 17% of patients who were not diagnosed with hypertension. High blood pressure was found during a doctor visit. The body is able to adapt to the increase in blood pressure, but at that time the pressure on the blood vessel walls and the load on the heart continues to increase and this can lead to life-threatening complications.

The main consequences of hypertension are strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, arrhythmias and other diseases that can lead to disability or even death. Untreated high blood pressure increases the likelihood of these complications and should be monitored and treated according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

The only way to detect hypertension is to measure your blood pressure regularly. This should be done in the morning and in the evening. According to current guidelines, blood pressure should not exceed 130/80 and not less than 120/70 for people under 65 and 140/90 for people over 65.

Healthy lifestyle habits alone are not enough

Of the patients diagnosed with high blood pressure and prescribed treatment, 52% had increased blood pressure during a regular visit to the doctor. According to the president of the Lithuanian Heart Association, these results may be related to irresponsible adherence to the treatment regimen of patients, the inertia of doctors to adjust treatment and still very little attention to chronic diseases at the national system level. of health.

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

“When taking the drug as prescribed, patients are advised to measure their blood pressure at home and provide the doctor with a 3-7 day measurement. Based on the patient’s blood pressure measurements, the doctor will better select the required doses of medication and the treatment goal will be reached faster and the threatening complications of hypertension will be avoided, this silent killer, ”says the doc. S. Glaveckaitė.

Specialists point out that, in addition to the prescribed treatment, it is important to follow healthy lifestyle habits: exercise, eat healthy, reduce salt intake, abandon harmful habits. By following these recommendations, you can control your blood pressure and prevent dangerous complications.

The main rule that all people with hypertension must follow is to take the drug as prescribed by their doctor. However, the doctor points out that the more tablets patients have to take, the less inclined they are to follow the prescribed regimen and some stop treatment altogether.

“The opportunity for Lithuanian doctors to prescribe modern and effective reimbursed drugs and their combinations in one tablet not only improves patients’ adherence to the regimen, but also ensures better and faster blood pressure control. therefore, we hope that blood pressure control in Lithuania, while maintaining favorable conditions for drug reimbursement, will only improve in the future, ”says S. Glaveckaitė.

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