A.Šliupas resigns from the position of Chairman of the Lithuanian Airports Board Business


A.Šliupas announced his resignation on Monday on the social network “LinkedIn”. The LRT.lt portal was the first to announce this.

“I admit that the decision is difficult, because I have worked in the logistics and aviation sector in Lithuania and internationally for more than 20 years, so I know that a great experience, willingness to work, appetite for results and continuity are the only guarantees of success in aviation, especially in Covid-19. However, I always support the good work of the state, therefore, I will not be an obstacle and I do not want to be, ”wrote A. Šliupas.

He said he wished the Ministry of Transport a fortress because problems in the aviation sector need to be addressed here and now.

Photo by Aurimas Šrubėnas / Arrijandas Šliupas

Photo by Aurimas Šrubėnas / Arrijandas Šliupas

“And there are more challenges than real possibilities, such as: what is the development policy of Lithuanian airports when in 2017 the implementation of the long-term development strategy of three airports with the concession model was rejected,” said A. Šliupas .

By the way, ten days before the end of the mandate, the then Minister of Transport and Communications Jaroslav Narkevičius appointed A. Šliupas to the new Board of Railways of Lithuania. It is true that the new Minister of Transport and Communications, Marius Skuodis, dismissed this Lithuanian Railway Board.

15 minute photo /

15 minute photo / “Lithuanian Railways”

As Spring wrote 15 minutes, A. Šliupas, although still managing Kaunas airport, has signed a contract with a private company that is potentially harmful to the state. The Lithuanian Airports Company, whose board of directors he has led so far, is trying to cancel this transaction through the courts and demolish the buildings. A. Šliupas himself declared at the time that he was guided by the laws of that time and, taking up his current position, could not influence the legal dispute.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications announced that A. Šliupas’s last business day on the Board is February 5 and that the selection of a new Board member will begin in the near future. The president shall be elected by the council from among the other members of the council immediately after his resignation.

“Since the first days of working in this ministry, I have been talking about the need for state-owned companies to have solid and transparent boards. Absolute priority: trust, reputation, there should not only be a private conflict of interest, but also its visibility. These principles should also be applied in the selection of the boards, “said Transport Minister M.Skuodis, but did not comment on the specific circumstances of A.Šliupas’ resignation.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Marius Skuodis

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Marius Skuodis

The Ministry of Transport and Communications plans to hold public consultations on how to improve the selection processes of the members of the collegiate bodies of all state companies. SE Lithuania Airports operates three international airports – Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga – and develops their coordinated activities.
