A. Širinskienė says he has identified the “Trojan horse” in the ranks of “workers”


However, A. Širinskienė says that the way A. Mazuronis chose to call her a liar and hypocrite is unfounded, because A. Veryga, who belongs to the peasants, is in no way responsible for the disappearance of the protection measures ordered by Porcelain.

Furthermore, A. Širinskienė asserts, A. Mazuronis’ repeated critical statements about her on Friday raise the question of whether a “worker” really works in solidarity with the opposition. According to her, it is very likely that A. Mazuronis is simply a “Trojan horse” brought into the ranks of the opposition by the conservatives.

“It begins to seem to me that such behavior by a colleague is perhaps a deliberate action to provoke opposition in the ranks of the opposition or simply to mimic resistance,” A. Širinskienė told Eltai.

According to the politician, the “employee” who has repeatedly criticized her and the peasant leader Ramūnas Karbauskis behaves in such a coincidence. All the circumstances, the peasant reasoned, suggest that A. Mazuronis is playing a double game. According to the politician, it is likely that as one of the representatives of the Labor Group, which signed the opposition cooperation agreement, A. Mazuronis is actually working for the ruling conservatives.

“A colleague tries to help the rulers by remembering that he received the position of vice president of the Seimas in very interesting circumstances,” said A. Širinskienė.

When asked whether, in his opinion, A. Mazuronis is a “Trojan horse” forced by conservatives into the ranks of the opposition, A. Širinskienė pointed out without thinking for a long time that this is probably the case.

“It just came to our attention then. Especially remembering the circumstances of his appointment (Vice President of the Seimas – ELTA),” said A. Širinskienė.

The politician did not hide that fear, he was convinced that the conservatives had given A. Mazuronis a seat on the Seimas board and that he had not done so “to thank him.”

Outraged by the accusations made by Mr. Veryga

A. Širinskienė was angry, according to her, A. Mazuronis spread incorrect information.

According to the farmer, there is no reason to say that the former Minister of Health A. Veryga is in any way responsible for the information published this week by the Ministry of Health (SAM) headed by Arūnas Dulkis on almost 912 thousand people lost during the first quarantine. . personal protective equipment purchased in euros.

It was because of A. Veryga’s responsibility in this story, which caused a stir, that A. Mazuronis called the farmer to appear before the Prosecutor’s Office on Friday. If the politician does not do that, the politician pointed out, A. Širinskienė will be simply a hypocrite and a liar, because the peasant asked the Bar Association a little earlier for information about the links between Vytautas Gapšis, a “worker”, and Glimstedt, a law firm. of lawyers defending Grigeo Klaipėda.

However, according to A. Širinskienė, the logic of A. Mazuronis’s reasoning, which leads to the fact that a politician can be called a liar and a hypocrite, is fundamentally wrong. According to her, A. Veryga is not responsible for the scandal, because the then Transport Minister was in charge of the logistics of the measures. And it was Jaroslav Narkevičius, who lacked competence and was accused in the history of corruption, but was fiercely defended by the peasants.

“A colleague is making factual errors. He announced that Minister Veryga was supposedly in charge of the Ministry of Transport, which was to take care of the logistics of various COVID-19 security measures. However, it was not Minister Veryga who headed the Ministry of Transport and Communications at the time, ”said A. Širinskienė, immediately pointing out that such mistakes by an experienced parliamentarian cannot be treated as a coincidence.

“Apparently, there is a sincere desire to thank the rulers for the vice president position, thus confusing them,” he said, once again summing up Mazuronis’ work in the opposition as a Trojan horse.

“The work of the Trojan horse has begun, because it would be very difficult to explain otherwise to a politician who has a lot of experience in the Seimas,” he said.
