A. Širinskiene came across the statement that the LUJ is a “deactivated left party”


Peasants wonder how statements that Aurelius Veryga is a “violated left-wing toilet” or that the LVŽS is a “deactivated left party” can be recognized as political advertising. However, Laura Matjošaitytė, president of the CEC, emphasizes that when making its decision, the commission evaluated the content and context of each entry, and not individual sentences.

“Tell me what should be used to make such statements by Maximietis” Aurelijus “healthy man raped by the left” at the CEC meeting, which is simply unfortunate, and LVŽS – “disabled left party” recognized by hidden political publicity of LVŽS “, a peasant member Aurelijus Veryga.

The peasant Agnė Širinskienė did not spare any criticism of this decision by the CEC.

“Today, the CEC acknowledged the statements made on the Facebook page of a person not related to LVŽS and mutilated during the election campaign that Aurelijus Veryga is a” health-raped leftist “and LVŽS is a” deactivated leftist party. ” I wonder how much and what it takes to see publicity in these statements. ”The MP was surprised.

L. Matjošaitytė: not one specific word was evaluated, but the whole record

However, Laura Matjošaitytė, president of the CEC, emphasized that the entries published on the MGMaximalietis Facebook account were evaluated according to the prism of political advertising, analyzing each one in depth.

“Each entry was judged through the prism of the definition of political advertising: whether it had electoral campaign elements, political advertising, whether a political party was promoted, its ideas, objectives, program provisions, whether or not to vote for one or not. another candidate, all that element of promotion and valued, ”L. Matjošaitytė told Eltai.

However, the CEC president emphasized that the commission did not evaluate the individual words or phrases in the post, but rather the entire content of the post and its context.

“We do not value a specific word, but the entire record, its content, the entire context of that record. This is where apparently those things should be separated. Because if we look if a word is political advertising, or not, if it can promote or not, then here we will probably immediately distract from the whole discussion, but when we look at the entire publication and evaluate its content, then accordingly and the evaluation is different ” explained L. Matjošaitytė.

“And if we take a few words out of all that context and say that this is why it is political advertising, it is not. It is all the content, all the context of a particular day, a particular post is judged through the prism of advertising politics ”, he also emphasized.
