A sect-like organization has formed in Lithuania: denies the Constitution and independence, promises to renounce citizenship


They call themselves sovereigns, they do not accept having passports, personal identification numbers and being called natural persons. It even mentions armed self-defense troops. Experts say those speeches are simpler delusions, but the former security chief notes that there is no rush to miss such activities. Especially few people trust conspiracy theories.

When on Friday the eyes of many turned to the “Family Movement” rally in Vilnius Cathedral Square and later the encounter with the police on Gediminas Avenue, a no less interesting event took place on the Šatrija mound in the Telšiai district.

There were also around a hundred people gathered there to talk about the need to change Lithuania. However, unlike the protesters in Vilnius, they explain that Lithuania is still occupied. Neither the Constitution nor the laws are valid, nor do they deny the Law of March 11.

“When there was an imitation of aggression that did not really exist, it is a crime against humanity, against the nation, but when it happened, people were hypnotized. “Everyone’s attention was drawn to the forged act of March 11, which is a completely null and worthless document withdrawn from some Palubinsky,” explains one of the participants.

The assembly explains that in March 1990, Vytautas Landsbergis was elected chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the LSSR, but no one elected him chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Lithuania. So all the decrees and laws you signed are supposed to be invalid. Even the Constitution is invalid.

“We have begun to study the Constitution, and we have seen that everything there is graduated with great precision, that we are all divided into natural persons, incomprehensible to anyone. A natural person, if translated into English, i.e. person, or a character, some created a derivation that nobody understands. And we began to deepen that we are all a kind of characters, who no longer consider themselves human, “says Justinas Vaickus.

“The problem is that we do not have sovereignty, you really know that,” says Ainis Petkus.

Arvydas Balčius also agrees: “In natural law it is possible not to choose any state, citizenship and it is possible to live as a person, to have a sovereign state. That’s how I am since March 11, 1990. “

Dainius Žalimas, former president of the Constitutional Court and now dean of the Faculty of Law at Vytautas Magnus University, is surprised by such an argument. It says that the government of Lithuania was recognized by all the countries of the world, including the Soviet Union itself.

“The people authorize, during the free elections, to restore the independence of the Lithuanian state, therefore, it cannot act as an institution of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, and immediately began to act as a representation of the nation, that is , authorized to restore the independence of Lithuania, which they did after this declaration, “says Dainius Žalimas, former president of the Constitutional Court.

Although Arvydas Balčius explains that he does not have citizenship, last year he tried to reach the Seimas with the Path of Courage. With no support or choice during the elections, the people are now urging the people to come together and supposedly rebuild the state.

“Everything is done so that we can form, train and equally become that force, not a party, not a congress, but a community of free and sovereign people who will then be able to expand to the borders of Lithuania and restore that normal state. “. of ours, there will be no slaves or enslavement of natural persons in the 21st century ”, explains J. Vaickus.

“Lithuania now has a very narrow stage to declare sovereignty. Perhaps even without power or without real powers, but we, the nation, have to be negotiators”, A. Petkus is convinced.

According to the former head of the SSD, such an organization may also be interested in security.

“It just came to our attention then. You may not understand, you are against the government, against the president, against what you want. But it all depends on the next steps. If you only speak, you explain, but if you join an organization which is said to invade the constitutional foundations of the state, that organization becomes an object of the Department of Security ”, says Jurgis Jurgelis, former head of the SSD.

“First of all, it recalls the narrative often heard in Russia that Lithuania, as a state, is illegal, has restored its independence illegally. Delusions, yes, would be one of the sharpest words suitable to describe such theories,” he says. D. Žalimas.

The sovereigns who sing on Mount Šatrija also have a categorical opinion on the coronavirus: “Will there be any Super the situation in which you are going to be vaccinated? No no no.”

A sect gathered on the hill and lit bonfires, and they clung together, repeating the words of the strangers.

“We are living people. – We are living people! – We are throwing the vaccines in the trash! – There are no masks on our faces! – There are no masks on our faces! “There are no vaccines in our visions!”

The organization is headed by Arvydas Balčius, who calls himself the head of the World Organization of Sovereign People’s States. In the Seimas candidate’s questionnaire, he stated that in the past he was convicted of fraud, and now he not only explains to people how to be sovereign, but also invites them to join his organization, to donate their money.

The Balts also speak on their Facebook about armed volunteers who allegedly defend people’s legitimate rights and expectations.

“If they are already armed and armed, what does it mean that he has a self-defense weapon and what will he use when he is assembled? And why be armed? At the end of the day, not only is the weapon emphasized to me, I will go now so that Nobody shoots me, I already have the weapon as a tool ”, considers J. Jurgelis.

In addition to Arvydas Balčius, Venckienė’s former successor, Ainis Petkus and Justinas Vaickus also actively contribute to the spread of conspiracy theories. Under the name of “Karžygis”, they transmit their conversation and approach to current events, where there is no shortage of falsehood and conspiracy theories. He also greeted those gathered by phone on the hill, and how the character is introduced with the nickname “frog.” He even criticized the rally of the “Family Movement” in the capital: “

As has become the norm lately, at such gatherings or rallies, Samogitian flags often fly: “Who has not seen, the irregular Vytis, the coat of arms, has just been burned.”

And people who present themselves as sovereign, like all protesters, have their own ideas for ruling the state. One of the leaders, Arvydas Balčius, included in his program the need to establish a mixed capital bank, build a nuclear power plant, build a subway branch in Vilnius to Kaunas and even Karmėlava airport, and also talk about the need for have a Klaipeda port freeze to work all year round. Although in reality, the port of Klaipeda is just that.
