A secret treasure buried in the Vilnius forest interested the police: after the search, there was even more evidence


But the man, who was prosecuted, had not been tried for more than 6 years; During the investigation, officials questioned Sigismund L.’s health status, for which he was transferred to a medical institution. Here he was forced to spend several years; he underwent compulsory treatment, although the exact disease was not determined. The man is diagnosed with a difficult diagnosis after a party, when he decided to have fun with his friends: he smoked “herbs.”

“I spent a few days in the hospital after smoking,” he admitted.

Today, Sigismund L. has already returned home, because the doctors have determined that he does not need involuntary treatment, so the criminal case filed in 2013 ended up on the table of the judges of the Vilnius City District Court – prosecutors They charged the man with illegal possession and distribution. of pornography exploited by young children through the eDonkey network, which is publicly available to Internet users.

According to prosecutors, during the investigation at least 55 records with exploited children were found on Žygimantas L’s computer. Agents found even more records, up to 547, after reviewing the hard drives that the man had buried in the woods at the intersection. from the Karoliniškės and Pilaitė districts. They, wrapped in a sweater and packed in a cellophane bag, were found and turned over to officers by a neighborhood resident.

Police investigators discovered that the hard drives and the sweater belonged to Sigismund L. after reviewing the information in the repositories, where the preserved data of Sigismund L. and his mother were found. In addition, the DNA test confirmed that this man was the owner of the garment in which the hard drives were hidden.

The news that Sigismund L. was interested in child pornography caused a real shock to his relatives, not only to his mother, but also to his wife and children.

“I spent about 2 years in the hospital, I think it is better to be in jail than in the hospital, because in jail at least you know when they will release you,” said the man at the hearing when the criminal case was opened. In the court.

He was comforted that the setbacks in his life dated back to 2008, when the economic crisis began in the country, and he became a victim of criminals: they simply attacked him and robbed him on the street.

“I locked the house,” said the man.

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© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

He testified that in search of “means to reduce stress and tension,” he downloaded the eMule program to his computer and searched for various images. And those images, with minors and minors from 10 to 18 years old.

“I was mainly interested in girls between the ages of 12 and 15, but there were also boys,” said Sigismund, who in a couple of years had downloaded about 20GB of various records to his computer, which he kept on hard drives. .

Sigismund L. was once unable to connect to the emails he used so the man was very scared, he thought he might be being tracked.

“So I decided to hide the hard drives, wrapped them in my old blouse, put them in plastic bags to prevent moisture from penetrating, tied them up and went to the Karoliniškės forest, dug a hole about 30 cm deep, I put plastic bags on it and buried it, “he said. “About half a year later, when things settled down, I wanted to take out these hard drives and erase the information on them and make movies for my mom, but I couldn’t find the hard drives when I went there.”

Sigismund L. believes that his hidden “treasure” was probably excavated by a dog. He had even shown the officers the place in the forest where he hid the hard drives; she was right next to where one from Vilnius found a sweater with discs.

The man also admitted that after this incident, the desire to be interested in child pornography had disappeared, but then he began to send it again.

“But then police officers came to my house, searched and took a computer with stored images,” Sigismund L. assured him, regretting his behavior today, realizing that he had behaved inappropriately.

“It was a good lesson for me, one that I learned painfully from,” the man said in court.

Judge Giedrė Telksnienė, who examined the criminal case against Sigismund L., stated that the man could be held responsible for his actions, that he became mentally ill later than he sent and viewed child pornography. Outpatient follow-up is currently discontinued.

However, the court was unable to convict the man due to the information stored on the hard drives: the 8-year sentence had already passed. But Sigismund L. had to answer for the distribution of pornography on the Internet: this crime is classified as a felony for which a term of 12 years has been imposed and has not yet expired.

According to the court, the Penal Code stipulates that a person convicted for the first time of a minor or serious intentional crime is usually sentenced by a court to non-custodial sentences, and whether the penalty would be a lighter punishment.

There is only one custodial sentence for the distribution of child pornography, but according to the court, it would be too harsh in this case.

“The lighter punishment, fines, would be too lenient in view of the seriousness of the crime committed, for which Sigismund L. should be sentenced to 2 years in prison for a crime and 1 year in prison. 4 months punishment of deprivation of liberty ”Judge G. Telksnienė said.

But the husband will not have to serve this sentence: the court included time spent in health care institutions in the sentence imposed on him.

“Consider that you have served your sentence,” the court said in the verdict.

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In his conviction, the judge also decided to confiscate the external hard drives and the computer belonging to Sigismund.

Delfi.lt wrote that Lithuanian courts annually review dozens of criminal cases of illegal possession of pornographic records depicting children. Most of the time these are children filmed abroad, but officials have also recorded cases in which minors or minors are persuaded or even voluntarily send their photos to perverts, who often also pretend to be girls.

“While keeping records of child pornography is an easier crime than distribution, the very fact that a person is interested in such things is already a serious sign: it is necessary to take an interest in what we do,” authorities said.

According to them, child pornography “fans” who get caught up in Lithuanian officials often offer various excuses, but the real truth about why they downloaded, stored or even distributed pornography is not dared to say out loud.

Speaking of what kind of nightmare victims of sexual perverts have to go through, the latter are not inclined and generally keep all their experiences to themselves, and any child can get into such situations, so we should talk about it already in the school bank. .

“Today, almost without realizing it, the pornography industry is ending its conquest of the world: its annual profit is higher than all professional sports combined,” said Kristina Mišinienė, director of the Center for Combating Human Trafficking. Humans and Exploitation. – There are no reliable studies on this issue in Lithuania, in the US it is announced that 35%. all information uploaded online contains pornographic content, and children are introduced to virtual pornography from the age of 11 on average. The American Psychological Association is even simpler: Pornography harms children and adults, destroys families and society. Let’s talk about this insidious phenomenon with teenagers on the school bench, help them recognize the dark threats of the Internet, because it can take a lifetime to get rid of them. “

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