A seat competition will be held in Vilnius: the winner will have a trip to Paris


The idea of ​​a challenge was sparked by quarantine

According to Marius Zelenius, Head of the Lithuanian Airports Communications Department, in the press release, the recently official quarantine, which has seen many challenges in the life of every member of society, has been carried out in the organization of the event “The challenge of flying around the world: moving from the sofa to the airplane seat”.

Let’s be honest, the quarantine really made everyone calm down and sit at home. Many had to give up their favorite air travel. However, no quarantine can block the desire to travel. So this time we decided to look at the situation. with a little humor and announce a challenge that everyone could overcome. This is probably the easiest way to win a flight and not anywhere, but to romantic Paris, “says M. Zelenius.

There are strict rules for those who compete for the prize.

Those who want to participate and win a prize, all they have to do is come to the sports field at the White Bridge, register, sit comfortably in a prepared airplane chair and … sit down. Pre-registration for the challenge does not take place, so the first to arrive at the venue will be the first to fill the seats.

It is difficult to predict exactly how long the challenge will last, but the idea of ​​the organizers is ambitious: the participants are invited to sit for the duration of the theoretical trip around the world equator, i. About 45 hours. However, the one who performs best and feels the longest is expected to win. The challenge rules state that participants cannot sleep or remain closed for more than 5 minutes. Those who are sitting may also not smoke or consume toxic substances. It is true that participants are allowed to eat and use personal smart devices, and short breaks are also provided.

The challenge will be available to watch live every day on the Vilnius airport Facebook account. Organizers invite participants to support participants on the day of the challenge: Visitors will also be able to answer travel questions and earn valuable aviation and travel memorabilia. In addition to the main prize, coupons for the Vilnius Airport Business Club, express check-in services, etc. they are waiting for the winner.

A seat competition will be held in Vilnius: the winner will have a trip to Paris

© DELFI / Kiril Tchachovsky

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