A scream about a government shaken by the immigration crisis: think before you do something


Interview with former Prime Minister – “Daily Commentary” from TV3 news.

In the peasant union you represent, the skirmish for values ​​continued throughout the weekend. This is where party chairman Ramūnas Karbauskis got into trouble with party members Tomas Tomilinas and Virginijus Sinkevičius. How do you assess this struggle of values ​​in the party?

This is not a fight of values ​​in the party. It is very difficult for me to make an unequivocal assessment because I am not a member of the party, I was not invited to the congress, only as far as the media covered it and I have information.

However, this is not some kind of value struggle, it is a discussion of democratic processes within the party itself. And when you have no reason to answer about the democratic process, about the future of the party, take out a “trinket”, in this case it is probably LGBT, and then try to scare everyone with it.

Is it true that you promised the support of several parliamentarians to one of the promoters of the law, Vytautas Tomas Raskevičius, in case some small corrections were made there?

No, there was no such language. We have also prepared our own version, and if in the autumn they try to offer their uncoordinated and indisputable version again, we will surely have ours. There is no trivial comment, there is nothing that Ms Širinskienė has apparently prepared, where, in principle, it is desired that relations between people are regulated as in some UAB between business partners.

His political relations with comrades Ramūnas Karbauskis, Agne Širinskiene are not very good. Maybe you’re already planning to form a separate faction in the fall, separate from the main faction?

I think the relationship with the teammates is really very good, both with Ramunas and with the others. Perhaps there is one person or another in the faction who is more radical.

Radical Personality: Party President?

No, we really talk to the party president, we communicate and we meet, we really communicate, as we have communicated all along. And we will see what will happen in the future, what will happen in the fall. In autumn, anything can be. Today it is difficult to predict how the new political season will begin.

The government has been rocked by the illegal immigration crisis. What would you recommend that the Government do differently from the former Minister of the Interior and the former Prime Minister?

Before doing something, you should always think about what the sequence of events might be. This had to be considered from the beginning, when Lithuania became a vanguard country in terms of relations with Belarus. It did not spread certain risks, it did not gather perhaps a block among a dozen states, and then we are at the top.

The current president of Belarus has threatened repeatedly and in the past that we are protecting the border with Europe simply because we have some special relationship with European countries, with our neighbors. Now that the sanctions have been introduced, the demagoguery is that we don’t have the means to protect the border because of the sanctions.

But that threat, which was perhaps perceived more as a hoax, became real this time and that problem arose between the Lithuanian-Belarusian border, not between Poland-Belarus and Latvia-Belarus. After taking such a step, it was necessary to anticipate that this could be the case.

But his government has not reinforced the borders with Belarus.

It goes without saying that our Government has not reinforced the borders. Our Government has worked for 4 years of the 31 years of independence.

See the full conversation in the video at the beginning of the article.
