A Romanovskis seeks to order 228 thousand from Lithuania for police actions. euros


Lithuania is represented in this case by the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Special Investigation Service and the Ministry of Justice.

According to Lina Nemeikaitė, representative of the Vilnius Regional Court, BNSovskis points out in the complaint filed that in 2008-2017 it suffered illegal actions of operational investigation and prosecution, for which it suffered more than 128 thousand. EUR property and more than 100 thousand. moral damage.

Solveiga Palevičienė, a lawyer representing the president of the Business Confederation, confirmed to BNS that the lawsuit was brought before the police authorities regarding, in her opinion, an unlawful, unreasonably and prolonged prosecution, unjustified arrest and other measures procedural coercive.

According to her, the forces of order violated A. Romanovsky’s rights to privacy, liberty, his presumption of innocence and other fundamental human rights.

“In our opinion, the plaintiff was subjected to selective illegal prosecution for political purposes … it should be noted that from the beginning the criminal prosecution was recognized as illegal in the courts of all instances,” said S. Palevičienė.

Although it did not disclose the exact amount of damages claimed in the lawsuit, it claimed that A. Romanovskis suffered the damage “due to damage to his reputation, stress, loss of income and expenses.”

According to the lawyer, all pecuniary damage is based on the documents presented to the court, and the non-material damage was determined after evaluating the practice of the Lithuanian and international courts.

“The purpose of the lawsuit is to ensure that justice is restored and that, in the future, law enforcement institutions are not used for the purposes of illegal political repression against innocent people,” said the representative of A. Romanovskis.

LVK’s own president, BNS, said that the decision to claim damages from the police authorities was very difficult for him.

“First of all, because I always believed that one or another official was not the state of Lithuania, although they acted on its behalf. On the other hand, I was publicly clothed in dirt, illegally imprisoned, dragged behind the courts, ”said A. Romanovskis.

He said he was more affected by the fact that the actions of the officials affected his family members and his health.

“So far I have received no apologies or regrets, but I still feel the desire to break down and condemn myself by any means,” said the VLK president.

“I think it is important for me, as for every citizen, to believe that injustices must be corrected and mistakes must be redeemed. Until now, I have fully trusted the Lithuanian courts, which upheld my innocence. Therefore, I continue to believe that the state has a duty to pay my debt of honor, “added A. Romanovskis.

The Special Investigation Service did not comment on the LVK president’s lawsuit.

“STT presented its position and legal arguments in its defense,” Renata Keblienė, a spokeswoman for the service, told BNS.

In October 2017, the Lithuanian Supreme Court approved a final and unappealable decision that A. Romanovskis and Vitas Matuzas, a former member of the Seimas convicted in the abuse and fraud case, had been reasonably acquitted of the charges against them.

The Vilnius Regional Court and the Lithuanian Court of Appeal also made excuses in this case.

The prosecution tried to prove that V. Matuzas effectively administered the charity fund, and the businessmen who donated to him received political support in the Seimas.

It was stated in the case that as a member of the Seimas, V. Matuzas himself was looking for supporters for the fund, distributed the support received, although according to the law he could not do so. The politician was also charged with a bribery claim: he allegedly sought more than 2,000. litas (608 euros) on camera.

According to prosecutors, some businessmen who donated several tens of thousands of litas to the aforementioned charitable fund received the support of V. Matuzas in the Seimas by adopting laws favorable to their businesses. Lobbyist A. Romanovskis was said to have assisted in such transactions.

He allegedly found a sponsor for the foundation who was interested in registering and passing laws important to his business at the Seimas and persuaded him to support a charitable and supportive fund run by a member of the Seimas. According to the prosecution, the prosecution also participated in some business meetings with the Seimas member to discuss the possibility of initiating the consideration and adoption of laws favorable to A. Romanovskis’s lobbying companies in the Seimas and discussed the support for the support Initiative.

The courts of all instances resolved the case in the same way: they found no signs of crime in the lobbyist’s actions.

A preparatory hearing for the examination of A. Romanovskis’ claim has been scheduled for Friday at the Vilnius Regional Court.

According to L. Nemeikaitė, the court first intends to find out whether it is possible to resolve the dispute by friendly settlement, and if this is not possible, then the objective will be to formulate the claims of the parties accurately.
