A record number of people returned to the Lithuanian labor market in September, but unemployment has risen further Business


“Such a paradoxical situation in the country’s labor market has not been registered for a decade. All market indicators are increasing, both the supply and demand of labor and employment, ”says Inga Balnanosienė, director of the Employment Service, in a press release.

By sectors, the evolution of employment remained similar. The majority: 68.9 percent. people began working in the service sector indefinitely, 19.6 percent. – in industry, 7.5 percent. – in the construction sector. The largest number of employees was hired by wholesale and retail trade (18.7%) and manufacturing (17.2%), public employment and defense (27.4%) and administrative and services (13.1%). operating companies.

9.9 thousand people started an independent activity after acquiring business licenses for up to 6 months, that is, 7.2 percent. more than in August and 28.3 percent. more than 2019 in September.

In September, 2.3 times more job seekers (1703) than in the same period of the previous year began to participate in supported employment measures, of which 1639 were employed with subsidies, 64 received aid for the development of labor skills .

The number of participants in learning support measures nearly doubled (88.8%) to 642 in September. The vast majority – 593 people seek to acquire professions or competencies demanded in the labor market in vocational training programs, 20 are employed under apprenticeship contracts, 14 develop practical skills and abilities by participating in internships, 15 seek recognition of competencies acquired through the non-formal or informal learning. Among the participants learning support 37.1 percent. – young people under 29 years old, 33.4%. – older than 45 years old people. The long-term unemployed represented 20.9% and the disabled 2.9%.

Support for job creation in September granted 108 people, of which young people under 29 years of age were the ones who most took advantage of the opportunity, represented 40.7%. all who received support. Mobility support was provided to 255 job seekers, of whom up to 45.9%. over 45 years old.

In September, employers registered 37.9 thousand employees in the information system of the Employment Service. job vacancies. This is 9.2 percent. more than 2019 in September.

58.5 percent. job offers for skilled workers and workers in the service sector, 15%. – professionals.

Employment opportunities for specialists increased in wholesale and retail companies, for skilled workers in transportation and warehousing companies, and for unskilled workers in service companies. In the group of management professionals and professions, the highest demand was for advertising and management specialists, warehousing personnel, administrative and executive secretaries, and primary and secondary education teachers.

In September, the number of job offers in companies engaged in other services activities, arts, leisure and entertainment and human health care increased. Vacancies in professional, technical and scientific activities decreased, as well as in public administration and defense activities, as well as in accommodation and catering activities and in educational services.
