A real dog hell was found in the Kretinga district: suspect that stolen animals are being raised here


The image in the warehouse shook: suspect that a terrible fate awaited the stolen dog

Veronika shared her ordeal on a Facebook group. When the Scottish Terrier Sniegius, raised by her friends, disappeared in the Kretinga district, after a long search, her attention turned to the barking of dogs in a building.

“As we approached the building on Slyvų Street, where the sound was coming from, through the dirty window we saw our long-sought snow, which was locked in a cage! Not only that, we saw a really scary image, we were all shocked. Countless dogs were incarcerated in the warehouse-type building, all of whom were breeding, “according to a post uploaded by a Facebook group.

According to the woman, about 18 dogs were locked in the warehouse cages. As the door was open, Veronica and her friends went to rescue Snow.

“It just came to our attention then. Shrunken and frightened dogs are kept in horrible and unsanitary conditions in small pens, without water or food. There was terrible urine in the room, fecal fumes, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. The stables with dogs are arranged on several floors, where some dogs barely fit. Dogs are not cared for, stained with their own feces, thrown in the urine scales between the bars, “writes Veronika.

According to her, the dog’s alleged owner soon showed up at the warehouse, explaining that he had found Snow and planned to search for dog owners the next day.

“When asked if these dogs are her and why they are kept in such conditions, the woman said that the conditions are right and she doesn’t see the problem. We suspect that the dog we were looking for could have been stolen, like many other dogs locked up in this warehouse. There were dogs of all ages, even small ones, so we suspect that this horrible warehouse is an illegal kennel, ”she thinks.

Although friends looking for the dog called the police, when they arrived, the store was already closed and its owner had left. Veronica suspects that these cages may contain dogs belonging to other people who are considered missing. “Inform the relevant authorities, I hope, that the publicity will help stop this hell,” he said.

Animals are suspected of being illegally bred

Beatričė Vaitiekūnaitė-Pliuskė, director of the Animal Welfare Initiative, also came to the stand, where the situation can only be assessed on the basis of a witness’s story, but a woman’s friends’ pet found in the warehouse cage awakens suspicions that other dogs may be stolen. She is currently trying to contact the witness to the incident to speak more fully about the situation and provide the necessary legal assistance.

“First of all, the ownership documents must be verified, because the fact that at least one dog is not really them, but supposedly found, gives an alarm signal that the dogs were stolen. Animal chips can be verified, this is another reminder for people why it is necessary to tag their pets, vaccination passports, which clinic regularly visits animals, other documents that prove the right of ownership. I want to believe that dogs are not taken out of shelters without sterilization, but that possibility still exists, especially if small ones were donated, ”says B. Vaitiekūnaitė-Pliuskė.

According to her, it is therefore worth contacting the shelters to see if they have donated similar animals, as the volunteers would identify the animals they cared for from the photos. She talks about sterilization because, according to her, it is very likely that it is a case of animal reproduction.

B. Vaitiekūnaitė-Pliuskė emphasizes that when assessing this situation, the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) must assess the level of animal welfare (accommodation, supervision, whether dogs are taken outdoors, whether the necessary physical activity is performed , if necessary veterinary assistance is provided, etc.) and storage conditions, which are normally the responsibility of the local authority, but in this case the SFVS is responsible for evaluating all aspects. Since the SFVS issues replay permissions, you need to verify that they have one.

“Veterinarians who have examined the animals can determine which dogs are expecting pups that have recently given birth and it will be clear what we are talking about. However, I can say from experience that only those for whom it is only a business, usually illegal farming, can keep the animals in such dire conditions. These people should lose the right to have animals in general, so I hope that, seeing these cases, the members of the Seimas understand the need to adopt an amendment to the prohibition of keeping animals under 5 years old for those who have treated them with cruelty, and hopefully this fall. , will meet to vote for its adoption, “he says.
