A quarantine release plan will be developed in stages


Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

The Government Emergency Commission (ESDC), having examined the position of experts on the epidemiological situation in the country, proposes to prepare a quarantine release plan in stages in the near future. It has also been proposed that students who have difficulties learning from home be admitted to schools soon and that single people can communicate.

The Ministry of the Interior (MIA) reported that the epidemiological situation, the effectiveness of the restrictions applied during the quarantine regime and the vaccination process were discussed at the WEU meeting on Tuesday.

Schools are promised to gradually open

According to the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports has proposed the possibility of distance education for students who have difficulties learning from home.

“It is proposed to allow these children to study at a distance in schools, so that they receive the necessary resources and for those who have them, and free meals,” the ministry said.

This procedure must be guaranteed by the municipal administrations. The proposal will be discussed at a government meeting on Wednesday.

According to the Ministry, 25,000 students need help with learning due to additional counseling, provision of computer equipment, Internet connection and strengthening of motivation. About half of these students receive free meals and families receive social support.

The Home Office notes that the possibility of resuming face-to-face learning for seniors is also being considered. Primary and secondary education is being considered mixed, and vocational and higher education should be distance learning, with the exception of practical training.

Seek to legitimize ‘social bubbles’

“It has been decided to present a proposal to the Government on the possibility of allowing communication between two families and / or two households, if one of them does not have more than one person or a disabled minor, or an adult who requires permanent care due to disability” , says the Ministry of the Interior.

It should be noted that those close family members or household members would be prohibited from having close contact with other people at work and elsewhere.

“This would be a kind of relief for people who need constant care and for single people,” the report said.

Development of agreed strategy

Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė, who heads the WEU, also noted that a strategy needs to be prepared in advance for possible future quarantine releases, taking into account the planned preventive tests and vaccination of the population. Said plan drawn up by the Ministry of Health should be discussed in the next WEBS meetings.

“We are currently in a situation of improvement, but we understand that we have reached these numbers within strict limits. We are grateful to people for meeting the requirements, and now we are approaching the time when we can consider preliminary waivers of the restrictions.” said A. Bilotaitė.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys noted that, as previously announced, 4-6 weeks must elapse after the tightening of quarantine adopted in mid-December. Despite the improvement in the epidemiological situation, the minister assured that the quarantine should not be relaxed until the end of January.

“This is the fifth week: the situation is improving, there are good trends in hospitals. However, the first signs are not enough, we must ensure that these good figures are sustainable. Probably January 31st. no releases should be expected, “said A. Dulkys.

Restrictions on mobility remain for the moment

Renatas Požėla, the general commissioner of police, who attended the meeting, emphasized that restricting movement between municipalities remains an effective measure. Traffic on the country’s highways has been reduced by 73% in an average of ten days.

The commissioner said that 16,200 vehicles had already been delivered in January and that more than 900 people had been checked and needed to be isolated.

On Monday, experts suggested maintaining restrictions on movement between municipalities. The same prohibitions will also continue to apply to the service sector. Restrictions on movement between municipalities have been extended until January 31.

Representatives of the government’s expert council acknowledge that as the situation improves, children may return to school, but it is necessary to ensure proper testing and consider assessment strategies for teachers and seniors. Experts call for an assessment of the risks of opening each new sector and warn that further releases would be particularly risky due to the global spread of new, more contagious virus strains.

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