A project of business liberalization has been presented: which stores and beauty salons would open on Monday


According to the preliminary draft resolution, stores, kiosks and pavilions (excluding kiosks and pavilions located in market places) may operate in premises with a total sales area not exceeding 300 square meters and that have direct entry from the exterior or entrance used only by those customers.

In addition, the ban will no longer apply to florists in markets or supermarkets, but may operate in conjunction with food, veterinary, animal feed, optical products and orthopedic markets and pharmacies.

Outdoor trade in non-food products from temporary commercial facilities will be allowed.

The resolution proposes to allow door-to-door sales for off-site contracts.

The stores to be opened will need to provide a customer with an area of ​​20 square meters, or serve a single customer.

“According to the Government Emergency Commission 2020. February 8 and the fact that the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 has changed, that is, the incidence of COVID-19 is currently 339 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days (the rate was in December 2020) 24 and reached 1,464 cases per 100,000 population in 14 days), and the proportion of positive tests of all studies conducted in 7 days last week was 7.8 percent (the indicator the highest was in the last week of 2020 and amounted to 24%), it is proposed to make these changes to the resolution ”, reads the Ministry of Health.

The aim is said to be to ensure a level playing field for small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the hardest hit by quarantine restrictions.

For beauty services: 20 m2. meters

It is expected to allow the provision of individual services, during the provision of which there is contact between a single service provider and a recipient of services, unless the services are directly prohibited by a resolution.

The prohibition on the provision of beauty services is eliminated; no changes yet for other prohibited services.

Services that require contact for more than 15 minutes will require at least 20 m2. meters per customer area or to serve a customer. If the contact lasts less than 15 minutes, the area limit is 10 m2. meters per person.

“The other conditions established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level for the management of the flow of people, the maintenance of a safe distance, the necessary sanitary security, hygiene and the provision of people with protective equipment must be guaranteed. staff needed. “

“Given the information available to the authorities, some services, including beauty services, are currently provided in the shade, although they are prohibited, and the provision of these services can reduce the risk of spreading the virus if the equipment is used correctly of personal protection. distance, the use of disinfectants and / or the flow of service users are limited, preventive tests and adequate control are proposed, it is proposed to allow the provision of the individual services mentioned “, writes the Ministry of Health .

The people who work in the service, the commercial establishments whose activities have been prohibited until now, who have direct contact (permanent or temporary) with other people, will have the opportunity to carry out a single preventive investigation by decision of the State of Emergency. COO.

You will be able to exercise outdoors individually with a trainer.

The new resolution provides for the possibility of organizing individual outdoor physical activity classes (per user of the service); They must be taught by a physical activity or sports specialist, instructor or provider of said services, guaranteeing safety requirements.

The Government will consider this resolution on Wednesday at 1:15 pm. Delfi will broadcast it live.

If the resolution presented by the Ministry of Health is adopted, its proposed date of entry into force is Monday, February 15.

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