A pre-trial investigation was launched into the “works” of the Komskis company at the Lentvaris mansion


The investigation was initiated after the investigation published by Siena into the possible non-transparent winning public tenders of the municipality of Pagėgiai by the company of K. Komskis. Edgaras Kuturys, a member of the Pagėgiai Council, announced the decision of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to launch a pre-trial investigation in Siena.

A letter from the prosecution to the mayor of Pagėgiai states that the pre-trial investigation into Kalibrus’s activities was initiated due to a certificate that allowed K. Komskis’s company to win a high-value tender.

The Penal Code foresees up to three years in prison for falsifying documents. This is the second pre-trial investigation into the activities of K. Komskis’s companies, which began after the journalistic investigations of Siena and Tauragės kurjeris.

The allegedly forged certificate earned 160,000

Two weeks ago, journalists from Siena published the story of how K. Komskis’s company won the Pagėgiai municipality competition by presenting a certificate about the work carried out at the Lentvaris mansion.

K. Komskis’s company needed a certificate, because the conditions of the gardening works competition of the municipality of Pagėgiai established the requirement to have experience in similar works. The companies participating in the tender must have carried out at least one contract of a similar nature for at least 40 thousand in the last 5 years. euros.

At that time, Kalibrus presented a letter from the Ginota company, certifying that K. Komskis’s company in 2019 carried out “Lentvaris manor estate and park management work” for 73.5 thousand. EUR excluding VAT.

Initially, the director of Ginotos stated that Kalibrus had carried out works in Lentvaris Park, but after asking to specify which works were carried out by subordinates of K. Komskis hired by Lentvaris Manor, A. Laktionkin searched for information for about a week and a half .

Later, the director of Ginotos changed the version and stated that the UAB Kalibrus did not carry out any work in the Lentvaris mansion or park. According to the businessman, K. Komskis’s company really worked and implemented large-scale works, just not in the mansion or in Lentvaris, or in Vilnius, Karoliniškės district.

According to the businessman, an error appeared in the document presented to the municipality of Pagėgiai.

Apart from Kalibrus, only one company entered the landscape competition, the company Vilniaus betono demontavimo technika. His final offer was much cheaper, but was rejected for allegedly not submitting additional documents on time.

A company spokeswoman said a lawsuit had been filed about organizing the competition, but due to human error, the complaint did not reach the district court and the company was left without action.

Business is bound by politics

The Ginota company, which issued the certificate, is the family business of company manager A. Laktionkin. A. Laktionkin himself acquired a stake in the company only in January last year, succeeding his father Vitalijus Laktionkin, a former partner of K. Komskis.

V. Laktionkin, like Kęstas Komskis, participated in political activities under the banner of the Order and Justice party. With this party, K. Komskis held the position of mayor of Pagėgiai and worked in the Seimas for two terms. K. Komskis was elected a member of the Seimas in 2016 with the “ordinance” It is true that his term was later revoked due to vote buying.

In 2015, V. Laktionkin and this party ran for the Šilutė District Municipal Council.

The fact that the paths of K. Komskis and V. Laktionkin cross not only in politics is also shown in the cooperation of their companies. A. Laktionkin, the current director of Ginotos, said his company was not dealing with K. Komskis business for the first time; He had previously worked with Agrolira, which ran K. Komskis’s venture last year.

“We also had contracts with Agrolira before, but we also had contracts with Kalibrus. And there were none, it is a fact,” commented A. Laktionkin.

Old problems don’t get in the way of new business

“Kalibrus” appeared on K. Komskis’ business map only in February last year. Now this company is the largest supplier of works for the municipality of Pagėgiai. This work, which was previously carried out by the Agrolira creek.

The municipality of Pagigiai has indicated to the Tauragė messenger that Agrolira, which unexpectedly failed, has received sanctions. Last year, three contracts were terminated due to unfinished work with the bankrupt K. Komskis company. According to the municipality of Pagėgiai, the value of the unfinished works reaches around 160 thousand. euros.

The value of purchases won by Kalibrus already exceeds this amount several times. Although Kalibrus carries out the same activities as Agrolira in bankruptcy, the problems of K. Komski’s old business do not cause difficulties in participating in public procurement. Kalibrus is also not burdened by Agrolira’s debt burden.

Agrolira goes bankrupt after accumulating debts of more than 400 thousand. euros. The value of the company’s assets is far from equal to this amount. About six months ago, a pretrial investigation was launched into Agrolira’s activities on suspicion of possible criminal bankruptcy. The investigation was started on the basis of the publications of “Sienos” and “Tauragė courier”.

K. Komskis responded to Siena’s questions about his business in writing only. However, we stopped responding to them when we became interested in Kalibrus’s works at the Lentvaris mansion.
