A powerful explosion shook near the Beirut port, injuring dozens of people.


After the explosions, the exact cause of which is still unknown, the Lebanese media published photos of people trapped in the ruins of buildings, some of them spilled with blood.

Some reports say the explosions took place in a former fireworks warehouse in the port.

A source from the security services confirmed that two explosions shook in the port area and that dozens of people were injured.

An AFP correspondent at the scene said all the stores in Hamra’s business district were damaged, dozens of shop windows and arches were smashed, and many cars were destroyed.

The wounded walked the streets of the city, and scores of bloody people, including children, were taken to the nearby Clemenceau Medical Center.

A huge cloud of smoke rose into the sky above the port area, an AFP correspondent said.

Loud explosions were heard in much of the city and beyond; Electricity has been lost in some areas.

“The buildings are shaking,” wrote a resident of the capital on the social network Twitter.

“Beirut has just been shaken by a powerful inflamed explosion. I heard it from miles away,” wrote another Twitter user.

An online photo from an editorial in a Lebanese newspaper shows broken windows, unfolded furniture, and ruined interiors.

The explosions were even heard in the Cypriot capital, Nicosia, some 240 kilometers away.

The explosions rocked debt-affected Lebanon in the face of the worst economic crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war, exacerbated by quarantine measures introduced by the new coronavirus.

The country is also awaiting a verdict in the case of the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. Billionaire R. Hariri died in an explosion in central Beirut. The court is to announce the verdict on Friday.

Four members of the Lebanese Shiite paramilitary movement Hezbollah are being tried in the Netherlands for a suicide bombing in Beirut that killed a Sunni Hariri and 21 others.

A woman told the AFP news center in the center of the capital: “It was like an earthquake … It turned out to me that it was more powerful than the 2005 explosion that killed Hariri.”

Tensions persist in Lebanon’s relations with Israel, which has announced that it has prevented five Hezbollah fighters from infiltrating into the territory of the Jewish state.

The Iranian-backed movement rejected these allegations.
