A police officer who pushed Floyd down the road was found to have killed a black man


An officer faces up to 40 years in prison for second degree murder, up to 25 years for third degree murder and up to 10 years for second degree unintentional murder.

The term of the sentence will become clear after two months.

Jurors in the Flloyd murder case began hearing the verdict on Monday.

Following final arguments by the prosecutors and defenders of the Chauvin Trial, who is white, Henepin District Judge Peter Cahill gave final instructions to the 12 jurors.

“You have to be absolutely right,” Cahill said. “Consider and weigh the evidence, apply the law.”

“You must not allow prejudice, prejudice, feelings, compassion or public opinion to influence your decision. You do not have to consider any consequences or punishment that are possible after your verdict, “said the judge.

During the first two weeks of the high-profile trial, prosecutors called nearly 40 witnesses, including medical experts, current and former police officers, and witnesses who saw Flloyd’s arrest on May 25, 2020.

A passerby video shows 45-year-old Chawin shaking his neck for more than nine minutes on the floor of 46-year-old Floyd, who was lying on the ground and handcuffed, repeatedly “can’t breathe.”

This video has sparked massive protests against racial inequality and brutal police behavior in the United States and around the world.
