A plastic surgeon is a procedure that can take 10 years: for some it costs 0 euros


– Plastic surgery of the eyelids is a particularly popular procedure in Lithuania, which is performed not only for aesthetic reasons but also for visual correction. Tell me, in which case should you lie down on the operating table?

– You have very rightly pointed out the reasons that encourage patients to undergo plastic eyelid surgery: it is a therapeutic aspect and an aesthetic need. The need for treatment arises when excess skin on the eyelids begins to restrict the field of vision, and patients often complain of having to “turn their head to see the way.” This is usually a problem for people over the age of sixty. The problem in younger people is usually related to the feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, as if the eyelids were made of lead, which causes a constant state of closed eyes. This symptom worsens after a day and is usually much more bothersome at night.

For aesthetic reasons, eyelid plastic surgery is performed when patients become dissatisfied with excess skin on the eyelids over the years, making it difficult for women to apply makeup. In any case, the real need for surgery must be assessed by a specialist in this area.

– First, let’s find out why envelopes “catch” on the eyes and there are natural ways to avoid them.

– The envelopes “fall” on the eyes due to the natural aging process. As the eye area ages, excess skin appears, the ligaments of tissue in the eye area loosen, and the muscles surrounding the eye socket lose firmness. Among other things, the bone structure changes, that is, the eye socket increases due to the bone structures gradually “dissolving”.

During this process, the image of tired eyes appears, the eyelids lose their firmness and previous position, excess skin begins to cover the eyelashes and greasy bags may appear. The intensity of these processes depends on genetics and lifestyle, so the only way to avoid them is to follow a healthy lifestyle, adequate rest and sleep and, of course, a positive state of mind.

– At what age do patients most frequently undergo eyelid plastic surgery? And from a statistical point of view, are there more men or women?

– Surround plastic surgery is popular with two groups of patients: those who are reluctant to remove the first signs of aging and those who already suffer from visual impairment. The first group generally includes patients 35 to 50 years old and the second group includes patients 65 years and older. Statistically, more women opted for this surgery, as for all other plastic surgeries. They constitute up to 85 percent. and more all patients committed to plastic surgery of the eyelids. Still, if we look at the most popular plastic surgeries chosen by men, cosmetic eyelid surgery is on the first list of the three they choose.

– On the Internet, on the pages of various clinics, there are many before and after photos, looking at them can give the impression that in the elderly, this operation visually scratches the face for ten years. Why did this happened?

– First of all, I would like to mention that this is the fourth most popular plastic operation in the world. Another interesting fact is that this operation is considered to have the greatest rejuvenating effect at the lowest financial cost. In other words, the investment-benefit ratio of this operation is particularly rewarding. This is because the eyes, not in vain considered a mirror of the soul, are a reflection of the personality of each person. Fresh eyes, young eyes. This relatively small investment is sufficient, and other changes brought about by aging fade against a youthful and refreshing appearance.

– Is it true or myth that once you have performed the plastic surgery of the eyelids you will not have to think about this procedure again? Or maybe it still needs to be repeated?

– It is considered that the result of this operation should last up to 7-10 years, but there are patients for whom the result remains unchanged for the rest of their lives. It all depends on individual personality traits, genetics, and lifestyle. Longer survival can always be guaranteed by combined operations, that is, when eyelid plastic surgery is accompanied by a raised forehead, the fat is transplanted to the eye area, of course, taking into account the need for these operations additional.

Giedrius Stankevičius

Giedrius Stankevičius

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

– Is it a complicated operation? Do you need general or partial anesthesia? For some people, the idea of ​​having their eye area operated on in a conscious state can cause a lot of stress …

– Assessing the complexity and duration of the operation, if we talk about one of the most common subtypes of eyelid plastic surgery, the upper eyelid, it takes about 40 minutes and can be performed with both local and general anesthesia. It depends on the financial capabilities and psychological niceties of the patient because, as you mentioned, some patients find it difficult to accept the idea that the area around the eyes will be operated on in a conscious state. It is true that the choice of general anesthesia costs more.

Therefore, in principle, it is only the patient’s choice and the surgeon’s evaluation if the person is sufficiently prepared, since any human disorder can seriously alter the course of surgery. And when it comes to lower eyelid plastic surgery, it is almost always performed under general anesthesia, with few exceptions. This is a more complex procedure and it is much more difficult for the patient to experience it all if the anesthesia is local.

– Let’s stay tuned to events – What problems can arise due to improper plastic surgery of the eyelids?

– Every operation is an intervention on the human body, so the risk of complications always remains. However, it is estimated that cosmetic surgeries represent up to 7% and therapeutic surgeries up to 15%. risk of complications. The most common complications of eyelid plastic surgery are uneven, shiny scars, asymmetric postoperative eyelid imaging, too much or too little skin removal from the eyelids, so the problem may be an unsatisfactory image, the eyelids still too much sharp or, conversely, it is difficult to close a lot of extracted tissue.

– Is the postoperative difficult?

– We could consider this operation as one of those with an easier and shorter postoperative period. In the area of ​​the face everything heals quite quickly, especially the thin skin of the eyelids, and the scar that “falls” in the crease of the eyelid allows it to be easily disguised and quickly return to work. In general, the sutures are removed 6-7 days after the operation, the bruises disappear at a similar time, so that at that time those who are around do not notice the previous interventions, 80 percent. we see the final image after two months, and we can evaluate the final image after one year.

– On average, how much does eyelid plastic surgery cost?

– The price depends on the price of the clinic where the operation is performed, as well as the nature of the operation, that is, the operation of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the anesthesia chosen (local, general). Also, this operation is often performed in conjunction with eyebrow, forehead lift surgery, fat transplantation in the eye area, and then the prices go up. If the plastic surgery of the upper eyelids is performed only after local anesthesia, the average price is 800 EUR, and if the operation of the lower eyelids is performed after general anesthesia, the average price is 1100 EUR.

– Plastic surgery of eyelids greater than one hundred percent. It is funded by the Territorial Health Insurance Funds (ICD), so with a doctor’s appointment, surgery can decouple a circle to zero. However, the impression may be that state funded operations are in progress. conveyor. Can we expect aesthetics?

– We should not wait for aesthetics due to the financing of the ICD, it is assured by the specialist who performs the operation. A professional in his field performs operations of the same quality, regardless of whether they are performed in a private or public clinic. However, it is important to note that ICD funding is provided to patients who are evaluated for the need for this surgery.

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