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According to him, the possibility of providing “safe islands” in the countries affected by the coronavirus, from which the return would not be necessary at all, was also discussed in the COVID-19 committee this Wednesday.

Today in the COVID-19 committee we decided to shorten the isolation period for those people who came or returned from abroad, had no contact with the infected coronavirus, did not experience symptoms and at least 8 days after their arrival in Lithuania they took the test of COVID-19, which is negative. These people will be able to leave the place of isolation 10, not 14 days after their arrival in Lithuania, ”S. Skvernelis reported on Facebook.

According to him, this is expected to allow a faster return to work and social life for those who really do not have coronavirus.

According to the prime minister, the final decision will be made by the government after a thorough analysis by epidemiologists.

“Such are the recommendations of specialists, epidemiologists and other countries. Then such a decision will be made, it will be made by the operations manager, it will be announced. So far, in principle, we have also discussed this issue informally in the Cabinet of Ministers, and it seems that we will move in that direction, ”said S. Skvernelis later at the press conference.

These people will be able to leave the place of isolation after 10 days, instead of 14 days after their arrival in Lithuania.

According to the Prime Minister, the new order could appear on September 15, but he stressed that this requires a decision from the Minister of Health, which is not yet available.

It also states that, according to the European Center for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases, the incubation period for COVID-19 is 5-6 days and the risk of developing the disease is lower in the second week after contact with it. patient.

“We also discussed the possibility of separating the safe islands from the states that are considered affected if we take all their territory. We tend to make that decision in order to facilitate the conditions for the tourism business, but we have yet to agree on this with the partners of the Baltic bubble. The final decision should be announced on Friday, “he said.

The head of government also states that, according to the Ministry of Health, so far no special virus management measures are needed in any municipality.

Supports release of self-isolation requirements

Lithuania would support the liberalization of self-isolation requirements for visitors, providing higher indicators, of which it is mandatory, but this requires a common position from the European Union or at least the Baltic states, says Prime Minister S. Skvernelis.

“As far as self-isolating countries are concerned, in fact, there are practically no countries from which they should not do so, not three or two countries. As a result, we clearly expect a common European solution,” Skvernelis told a press conference on Wednesday. .

According to him, Lithuania supports the proposals to significantly increase the threshold of cases from which self-isolation would be required, but it is important to agree on this with other states.

However, we must follow common criteria if we want to at least maintain that so-called Baltic bubble, which is very important.

The Prime Minister stressed that in order to maintain the “travel bubble” of the Baltic countries, it was first necessary to find a common understanding between the three countries.

“I already spoke yesterday with my colleague the Prime Minister of Latvia and the Prime Minister of Estonia, the Estonians proposed to apply 25 instead of 16 (cases per 100 thousand inhabitants – BNS). opinion, but the Minister of Health informed us that negotiations will take place before Friday and we will probably have final decisions on Friday, “said S. Skvernelis.

“Still, we have to follow common criteria if we want to at least maintain that so-called Baltic bubble, which is very important,” he added.

According to the Prime Minister, if an agreement cannot be reached with the Latvians, other solutions will be considered, such as the assessment of individual territories in the states.

The European Commission (EC) proposes to apply the same travel rates in all member states and not apply self-isolation to people who came from areas where the incidence rate of coronavirus was up to 25 per 100,000 cases in the last 14 days. population.

The EC recommendations also state that member states could decide that a coronavirus test should be performed if they come from areas with a rate of 25-50 cases per 100,000 cases. population. At that time, if the rate in the country of departure reaches more than 50 cases per 100 thousand. population, the Member State of arrival could quarantine or undergo a coronavirus test, which the EC recommends as a priority.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the draft recommendation of the EC Council was presented with the approval of the EU member states.

Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga said on Monday that Lithuania supports the EC proposal.

In Lithuania, compulsory isolation of 14 days is currently applied to people who came from countries where the morbidity rate during the last 14 days was higher than 16 cases per 100,000. population.
