A New Resort May Appear On The Coast: Construction Is Gaining Momentum, Property Prices Are Rising


According to some developers of real estate projects in the area, in the long run, the boating paradise called Svencelė will definitely compete with the aforementioned resorts.

The plots were drunk

In the former fishing village of Svencelė, in the Klaipėda district south of Dreverna, Soviet-era duck farms operated during the Soviet occupation, and white silicate brick apartment blocks still stand nearby.

With the start of the land reform, many locals working in the Soviet Dreverna fishery received plots of land. But only some of them developed any activity in it or built houses. Very few of them have kept the property they received for free to this day. According to a couple of Klaipeda residents who plan to set up a camp with the mayors, they bought the plot from a local resident several decades ago.

“Almost all the previous owners drank those parcels. Here, and our plot, which now has access to the Curonian Lagoon, was completely unmaintained, completely covered with reeds. Access to the lagoon was impossible, the shore was swampy. At that time, no one was going to do anything here, especially invest in home construction. However, now that we have cut the reeds, fixed the shore, dug a channel for the pier, there are many who want to rest and even complain that we have blocked access to the water, ”laughed the Klaipėda citizen.

Construction is gaining momentum

In addition to this camp, there are several other gatherings for motorized kite enthusiasts.

In Svencelė, the public all over Lithuania, who were overwhelmed by this hobby, began to choose a few years ago. In addition to the campsites already mentioned, individual housing blocks are gradually being developed in this area. This seems to be just the beginning, as billboards over parcels of land for sale flicker at the roadsides.

One of the blocks is almost finished, channels have been dug here, where you can return home not only by car, but also by sailing yacht.



© Mindaugas Milinis

The surrounding boiling construction gives hope that the area, which has been abandoned for many years, will gradually recover. The entire coastline of the Curonian Lagoon from Dreverna to Cape Ventė is gradually being urbanized. New villas are being built here, residential infrastructure is being developed.

According to the data of the Klaipėda District Civil Registry and Services Division, during the first year of this year, 54 permits were issued for the reconstruction of buildings and structures in the Priekulė Elderhood, on whose territory Svencelė is located. It is almost the same as last year for the whole year (60 issues).

It is true that the Šilutė district states that “documents permitting the construction for the construction or reconstruction of a new building, when related to recreational activities, Šilutė district. sav. Issued in Kintai Elderhood in 2019. – 0, 2020 – February 1, 2021 In the first half of the year – 0 “.



© Mindaugas Milinis

Infrastructure – poor

However, so far there is nothing but the beautiful views of the sand dunes and the proximity of the Curonian lagoon in Svencelė. Not the shop, not the school, not the kindergarten, the bus from Klaipeda to this town runs only twice a day, early in the morning and after work. You can get to Svencelė by your own car via two roads: a gravel road along the lagoon from Kintai, or an asphalt road from Dreverna.

It is true that the asphalt pavement is not enough for two cars to pass, one must necessarily give way to the other.

The Priekulė – Dreverna and Dreverna – Svencelė highway belongs to the state-owned company Lithuania Road Administration. This road will definitely not be rebuilt in the near future.

This was confirmed by Saulius Jansonas, Communication Manager of Delfi’s International Relations and Communications Division. “Regional highways of state importance are repaired according to the priority list, also taking into account the allocated funding.

The evaluation of regional road sections takes into account key criteria such as the condition of the road surface, the total intensity of the traffic, the intensity of the freight traffic, the condition of the road structure, etc. In the priority order list mentioned above, the regional road of state importance No. 2206 Priekulė – Dreverna – Svencelė is ranked 762. When assessing its current place on the list, no repairs are planned for this section of the road in the near future, ”S. Janson said in a written response.

Despite these shortcomings, property developers and sellers believe in the bright future of Svencelje.

He thinks he will compete with Nida

Arūnas Kontrimas, the manager of one of the projects being developed in this village, told Delfi that Svencelė really does not intend to compete with Palanga. If he’s competing with someone, it’s just Nida.

“Everything will be clear in 4-5 years. However, from the way things are going, we can firmly say that the prospects are the best. After all, the coast where we teach how to move evolved to a world-class point. where the biggest stars in the world come from. Do you also remember what Dreverna was like a few years ago? Now life is boiling in this city, “predicted A. Kontrimas.

He thinks Svencelė is a very interesting place. The future will depend on the investors and the new owners.

“I don’t think it’s a massive resting place.” Those who sail and sympathize with this hobby will gather here. I already know many who have bought one or more objects to rent in Svencelje. People invest. I agree that there is no more place in Lithuania where a yacht can return home, ”said A. Kontrimas.

According to him, both Svencelė and Šturma (Šilutė district) should receive the status of ports and be included in the inland water register.

However, the Lithuanian Transport Security Administration (LTSA) did not confirm this information.

According to Eglė Kučinskaitė, director of LTSA’s International Cooperation and Communication Division, “Svencelė” does not have a commercial port or marina because the founder has not applied for listing and LTSA cannot force it. The town of Sturma was registered as a commercial marina, but not as a port. Previously, the Ministry of Transport and Communications had issued a marine certificate to a company called Sturmu Lighthouse. We suppose that later the manager became UAB Vent’s turizmo centers, so the name is entered in the list of marinas ”, the answer is given.

Another resort?

Real estate broker Aidis Jaškevičius, who sells apartments and houses in one of the developing neighborhoods in Svencelė, is also convinced that this town will eventually become a new resort.

“From here it is already possible to navigate to Nida itself, Juodkrante or even Kaunas. I think Svencelė is chosen by those who don’t have the hustle and bustle of Palanga in their hearts. These are more affluent clients. An ordinary person who is not related to water and does not have a boat will definitely not buy. Many of our clients are from Vilnius and Kaunas. For some, it is a second home for recreation, vacations. Just another purchase to live permanently. These are the so-called autonomousfor whom work is not important. In winter, they live somewhere in South Africa or Mauritius, and in summer they come to live and work in Lithuania, ”said A. Jaškevičius.

According to the broker, prices in Svencelė have not yet caught up with Palanga, but in the long run this trend will only become more pronounced.

“We already have objects with a cost per square meter of 3,000 euros,” noted A. Juškevičius.

It seems that due to rising prices, this town will not have a permanent population yet and will only recover during the season. Because, according to the Priekulė elder, Daiva Bliūdžiuvienė, the settlers are in no rush to declare their place of residence in Svencelė.

“We did a population analysis three months ago, we didn’t notice rapid population growth. Maybe something has changed during that time, because now everything is changing rapidly,” the old man guessed.

Pulses but does not explode

By studying the real estate ad portals, you can find a large number of objects with an address in Svencelje. With the exception of some of the investment projects already mentioned, it is mostly undeveloped land that requires significant investment.

Milda, a real estate broker (real name known), when asked if investing in property in Svencelje is very popular, just sighs:

“I think this place is overrated so far. Pulse, pulse, but it doesn’t explode in any way. The housing bubble has been bursting in Lithuania for a long time, but not in Pomerania. And having land there is still waiting for that explosion. And the prices in Svencelje are already really high. So I don’t know in which direction they will lean. If the complex is intended for heaters only, if it will be expanded to be suitable for the general public, additional price adjustments will depend on it. ” Milda.

In his opinion, the faster development of Svencelė is hampered by the lack of basic services.

“There is no shop, no hairdresser, no other services. It is true that the shop is in Dreverna, but there is not even a school. The children must be transported to Priekule. After all, we are waiting for all the pros and cons,” he said. the corridor.

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