A new record for coronavirus cases is 255 cases per day


According to A.Veryga, we have not yet had such a number of new COVID-19 illnesses in the country.

The Health Minister says the number of COVID-19 cases in the country is likely to increase.

“Because we communicate, we meet, we have fun and so on. People communicate, they communicate, the disease spreads. It was probably to be expected. I can only repeat it again: the air is cold, people move from open spaces to closed spaces and if they do not follow safety measures: distances, masks are not used, the disease spreads. Unfortunately, this is the case, “A.Veryga told reporters at the Seimas on Thursday.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Preliminary elections to the Seimas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Preliminary elections to the Seimas

According to him, the forecasts of a further spread of the coronavirus in Lithuania are different.

“It’s really thankless to predict, because, you see, a large chimney of some kind (large companies or various places) is enough, and that number can grow very suddenly. One more thing we need to understand: when epidemiologists grasp the final assumption of the proposal, our strategy is to obtain a lot of evidence to understand. Then that number dances again for us because we find so much. So it rolls, it rises little by little, “explained the Minister of Health.

A.Veryga reiterated that the infection “lives” in society and we have to be careful, because we do not know who is infected, some cases are impossible to trace.

Hospitals, according to A.Veryga, have not yet become congested. Except in individual cases where the problems are not due to transshipment but to infected personnel. The minister mentioned that the Kaunas Infectious Disease Hospital is almost full.

“On the Lithuanian scale, if I’m not mistaken, we now have about 40 percent of the so-called COVID-19 reserve beds occupied. It is not a recharge yet,” he said.

Municipalities must act

When asked by reporters at the Seimas on Thursday that perhaps it is time to take stricter measures as the number of people infected with the coronavirus grows, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said that, although the situation is deteriorating, we can still trace both the transmission routes and the sources of the coronavirus.

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis

Luke April / 15min photo / Saulius Skvernelis

“Suggestions for taking local measures, which are proposed and recommended by both the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Center for specific municipalities, should be listened to. And the local government must not only listen, but also demonstrate concrete solutions ”, commented the Head of Government.

According to S. Skvernelis, if we see that the situation at the national level is no longer traceable and is out of control, the recommendations will have to become instructions of the resolutions of the government or the manager of emergency operations at the state level.
