A new quarantine may be required in the fall.


“According to the president, if we do not achieve ambitious goals by vaccinating people, we will not achieve herd immunity, we will increase the risk that threats and quarantine needs will re-emerge in the fall,” Krepšta said during a press conference. on Wednesday. .

He presented the experience of the United Kingdom, where the Delta strain has already been observed to present a risk of infection among unvaccinated people.

Kr Mrpšta said the president was concerned about the slowdown in vaccination. Reach 70 percent. some 365,000 more vaccinated adults want the vaccine. people, and currently about 400 thousand. vaccines.

“We have more than enough vaccines. At the moment, we are short of people who would like to come to get vaccinated,” concluded S. Krėpšta.

According to him, the experts provided recommendations on how to speed up vaccination. They will apply to different groups of people.

It is true that S.Krėpšta is optimistic about this summer. According to him, in the coming months, only minimal restrictions may be applied in the country, and they may not exist at all.

“There has been a lot of debate about how we should prepare for autumn. The scenario from last year repeats itself. And last July, August were the months when we had very few infections, and autumn brought new risks,” recalled S. Krrššta .

According to him, it is vaccination that should help avoid the scenario of last fall: a strict quarantine and contact education of children.

Three vaccination scenarios were presented

Professor Kęstutis Petrikonis from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) noted that Lithuania already lags behind European countries in terms of vaccination rates.

The country is already at 5 percent. It lags behind the European Union (EU) average in terms of the number of people vaccinated with a single dose of the vaccine. Based on the number of fully vaccinated people, Lithuania remains among the top ten in the EU.

In the 65-80 age group, Lithuania is close to 70%. ribos. However, as K. Petrikonis points out, vaccination of the elderly is our Achilles heel. Other countries 70 percent. the limit has already been far exceeded.

The professor identified three possible vaccination scenarios. If vaccination returned to the rate recorded at the beginning of mass vaccination, 70 percent. the population would be vaccinated as of August.

If the vaccination rate continued as it is now, public immunity would be acquired in early September.

The last scenario does not promise anything good. “If vaccination slows down, incentives don’t work, then we have the situation in the UK.

They reduced vaccination, opened many activities and experienced an outbreak of the Delta variety. They predict in the fall that the reduction of planned services of health institutions will also be necessary in the fall, ”said K. Petrikonis.

The condition of children and adolescents is critical

Experts from the President’s Health Council also claim that the decision to implement distance education in Lithuania for so long has not borne fruit, and prolonged studies from home have had a negative impact on the health and educational outcomes of children.

“We see that it was a mistake to have distance education for so long. As experts have pointed out, distance education has actually become ‘loss education’ and more than a third of children have deteriorated during the quarantine. Almost half of children’s emotional health has deteriorated, “said S. Krrššta.

Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University (VU), dr. Roma Jusienė claimed that the long period of distance education had obvious health consequences: children and adolescents already suffer not only psychologically, but also physically.

“One thing: it really was too long to close the educational institutions.” If half a year ago we reported that we saw problems and deterioration, and at the same time we said that unresolved problems were already turning into disorders, sadly now we have about a third of children and adolescents who reach the level of clinical disorders, “added the professor.

According to her, most children and adolescents suffer from emotional disorders, high levels of depression, high levels of anxiety, some self-harm. Psychosomatic disorders are also notable: they are various types of pain that do not have a clear medical cause.

“The important message is that we really do have many more opportunities in the fall that we could and could take advantage of. We must not forget the parents, teachers and professionals who help them. Today, we are sadly overworked by professionals and therefore course, demotivation.

You need to invest in human resources, not just technology. It is also important not to solve adult problems at the expense of children. I hope this message is heard, ”said R. Jusienė.
