A new drama of corporate life


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

today the government will decide whether to declare universal quarantine in the country. If they bring it in, part of the business won’t hold. This quarantine is of special concern for the tourism business, which has already been felt by local authorities, although so far the quarantine has only been announced in part of the municipality. Entrepreneurs say that without the support of the State, a slow scenario awaits massive layoffs in the sector, and the tourism business would be doomed to the past.

As the epidemiological situation in the country deteriorated, the COVID-19 Steering Committee, meeting on Tuesday, decided to further quarantine the current restrictions. According to Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, the desire to avoid this, but the medical team offered such an effective solution. This will be decided today at a government meeting. If the quarantine is approved, it will take effect from Monday and will last for at least three weeks.

The head of government announced yesterday that, among other things, the work of the catering company will stop, except for food extraction, braking and massages, except for medical services, as well as sports club and spa activities. According to him, the activities of the website will not be prohibited, but it will be proposed to prohibit group services, restrict meals, establish that food is served in the rooms or outdoors.

Business spoke after the announcement. Evalda ikauskien, president of the Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association, says that the government’s intention to stop catering and spa activities will completely disrupt the tourism business. Although creating a website is not considered, according to the head of the association, without a spa or catering services, they will lose their meaning.

You can do as many hotels as you want, because they don’t have a resident anyway, and spa hotels, if you do spa services, then it’s the same as doing all resort hotels. In addition to the service, the hotel will die, says BNS E.

She said that she did not understand why she had to eat all of a sudden, because she was so confused, distant and avoided, so it was better for young people to go to eat safely than to go home and have parties.

When the quarantine was announced in only a few municipalities in the country, instead of being universal, resort guests were already feeling the effects. The hotels in Palanga, Druskininkai and Birtonas are getting busier during the pandemic period, to which the Holiday for Doctors state measure has contributed significantly, and the situation changed last week. Although morbidity is not high in either Birton or Druskininkai, resorts have always felt the overwhelmed mood of customers.

The increase in morbidity has had a very strong effect on us, with new reservations and cancellations since last Thursday. Mons became cautious, says Rimantas imkeviius, hotel manager at Birton and SPA Royal SPA Residence. He estimates that last week, compared to the previous week, new bookings increased by 36%, as did the number of canceled orders.

Fear of Mons to walk. Many doctors also cancel orders, says the manager.

Now that the global quarantine is likely to take place, the country’s hotels are at risk of losing their last customers. Since COVID-19 has already kept tourist flows to a minimum, the current situation is in grave danger.

However, once restrictions have been tightened, the government also intends to support business support measures taken during the first wave of the coronavirus, including subsidies for downtime. Will these subsidies become a lifeline for businesses?

This, for example, E. ikauskien ensures that the company will not be able to contribute to the grant n 10%, so that employees may have to be fired.

Nortsi and the government talk about employees, how to keep them, how much an employee can sit with a minimum (…) and how much a company can pay at 10% to obtain a loan, he considers.

In V’s view, it is now worth postponing deliberations on whether the universal quarantine is being carried out without delay. The situation is serious and the deterioration of the epidemiological situation is no longer delayed. It is already growing that companies will have to suffer losses, risk losing their jobs, etc. The most important thing now is how the outgoing government will help troubled companies and what additional support measures (if any) the new government will take. In both cases, one of the most important wishes was that support measures would not be delayed, as happened during the first wave of the coronavirus, and that businessmen waiting for help would not have to go through nine bureaucratic hells.

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