A moving story: how Jean-Claude Van Damme saved a chihuahua from falling asleep | Names


A dog named Raya became the pet of the new Norwegian owners in September. – a man bought it from a private person living in Norway. Registered four-legged Panorus, officials in this country said they could not do so because the dog did not have a valid passport. It turns out that the one who was extradited to Bulgaria, the dog’s country of origin, was a fake.

Norway tried to return the dog to its homeland, but Bulgaria refused to accept it due to strict European Union animal transport regulations. The dog was threatened with falling asleep, but animal legend saved the animal from such fate.

Photo from Change.org/Raya rescued with the help of Jean-Claude Van Damme

Photo from Change.org/Raya rescued with the help of Jean-Claude Van Damme

Excited by the story of this Chihuahua, the actor, who raises a dog of the same breed, contributed to the rescue campaign on social media by sharing not only a reference to the petition, but also a person with his quadruped. Van Damme’s attention to this story paid off – the dog was taken away by Bulgarian food safety officials.

“I beg your food safety representatives to change the decision on the occasion of my birthday. They made a mistake, people mishandled the newspaper … But they cannot kill this little chihuahua,” wrote more than 5.3 million people in the stories an actor with followers.

According to The Guardian, food safety officials assured that Ray’s health would be monitored when he returned home and that the search for new owners began when the dog was in good condition.

Javor Gečev, a spokesman for the animal rights organization Four Paws, told the AFP news agency that Bulgaria should not be congratulated on the exemption, given the lack of stricter controls on illegal farming and animal trafficking in the country. at the same time.

“Exporting animals from east to west and northern Europe is a lucrative business,” he said.

Because Raya had a fake passport, according to Norwegian law, the dog was dated October 20. had to be put to sleep.

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