A mother who wants to visit her mother in another country in Zarasai: it is an unexpected challenge to go to Latvia


The woman, Delfi, said she fell ill in early December and recovered ten days later. His illness was not serious, he simply lost his taste and smell.

“Then I continued working and two months later I had an antibody test. There were many of them, but not as many as now. Then two months later, I did another antibody test and it multiplied.

June 3 I did the last study of this kind because I expected Latvia to open its borders. I thought I would and it would be clear that vaccination was already necessary. However, they did not decrease at all. So, I found out on June 16. Latvia opens its borders to those who want to travel without good reason but have a green passport, ”he said.

A mother who wants to visit her mother in another country in Zarasai: it is an unexpected challenge to go to Latvia

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

According to the Zarasai resident, the inspector saw that her COVID-19 certificate expires on June 6, as 180 days have passed since the test in December. Then he started wondering what to do next.

“I contacted the National Public Health Center (NVSC) and they told me that I could not drive freely. I have to do a PCR test after quarantining for 10 days and doing it again. However, I want to visit my mom for at least one day, and now I really wouldn’t do it because of my self-isolation. They definitely wouldn’t release me from work for such a long period of time, “the woman complained.

According to her, she later learned that those who had been vaccinated in winter, for example, were not required to do so, as they had a date when they were vaccinated and there was no expiration date for that COVID-19 certificate.

“It just came to our knowledge then. So, I went to my GP, explained the situation to her and she advised me to wait a bit for the vaccination. According to the doctor, if I still have high levels of antibodies, it is not mandatory to do so. It is It is true that I can take risks, but nothing will happen to me, no one can be responsible for it.

The question for me is, what is the advantage of those antibodies that form after a vaccine over those that we get after being sick? As far as I know, some do not have them after vaccination and many, despite the fact that half a year has passed. The Opportunity Passport is valid for 210 days and I hardly need it.

In general, there are no trips to abroad Nor is it necessary, I just want to visit a mother I haven’t seen since September last year. Now I am at a dead end because I don’t know what to do. I am not against vaccines and if I saw a tendency for my antibody count to go down I would, but now I don’t know. I understand that I am not so alone, ”said the Zarasai resident.

According to the woman, her mother lives in Daugavpils and is separated by only 25 km.

He explained the current procedure.

The Ministry of Health (SAM) commented that it would like to point out that the EU COVID Digital Certificate is a way of providing factual information about a person’s illness, vaccination or COVID-19 test, which does not automatically allow entry, but allows a foreign country to enter. The authorities or officials in charge of verifying that the person who arrives meets the requirements for travelers established by that country.

It should be noted that the requirements for travelers are determined by each country. You can find them here. Information on the requirements applicable to travelers in the destination country can also be found on the website of that country’s embassy or mission.

Lithuania, like many European countries, subscribes to the opinion confirmed by research that immunity remains active for at least half a year after the onset of COVID-19. It is for this time that it is recommended to postpone vaccination if a person has relapsed from COVID-19, and this is the period during which the EU digital COVID Certificate (relapse) is valid. “

According to the Ministry, 180 days after the COVID-19 diagnosis, a resident can renew the EU Digital COVID Certificate in two ways:

“Vaccination against the COVID-19 disease (certificate with indefinite validity); perform a negative test for COVID-19 disease (certificate is valid for 72 hours if a PCR test has been performed and 48 hours if an antigen test has been performed). Antibody test results are not recognized by the EU Digital COVID Certificate because they are not suitable for individual diagnosis of COVID-19 disease.

A positive result from such a test indicates that the person has been in contact with the infection, but cannot say when it happened and how long the body will last. There is still a risk that antibodies will no longer be detectable soon after a positive serological test. It is still unknown whether detection of antibodies in currently available antibody tests will prevent coronavirus strains. “

SAM indicated that at the EU level, it was decided that there was insufficient scientific evidence to include antibody tests in the EU digital COVID certificate, and that those with a positive serological test would not be able to use the certificate in the near future.

Consider a single dose of any vaccine

Delfi recalls that the Ministry of Health is considering vaccinating people with coronavirus with a single dose of any vaccine, not just Moderna or Pfizer, as is currently the case. June 22 A draft ministerial order has been registered that provides for it.

“People who have not been vaccinated with COVID-19 and who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) in the last 180 days before vaccination, based on a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, are vaccinated no earlier than 150 days after COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) with a single dose of any COVID-19 vaccine, “the document states.

Vaccines for COVID-19

Vaccines for COVID-19

Currently, patients receive a single dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine.

They may also receive two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine or one dose of Johnson & Johnson, which is usually given in a single dose.

Vaccination of these people is not possible before 150 days after the confirmation of the disease.

Regimen change, as now, would result in waivers and two doses for relapsed patients who have tested negative for antibodies at least three weeks after relapse, or at the discretion of a physician in people receiving systemic immunosuppressive therapy. or immunodeficiency.

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