A month after the end of the quarantine, the cap was announced, after which the restrictions will return.


Šiauliai is one of the Lithuanian municipalities in the red zone. The number of cases already exceeds 100 cases per 100,000. population in 14 days.

However, the situation in the hospital is not as threatening as in the winter. There are 10 patients lying here.

“We are seeing with anxiety the situation in which those municipalities are already turning red and perhaps more threatening. Of course, the main way to fight here should be people’s conscience, “Aidas Kaušas, head of the infectious diseases department at Šiauliai Hospital, told LNK news reporters.

On Monday, 9 red municipalities in Lithuania were already registered.

The cities of Kaunas and Klaipėda entered the red zone. It is in the port city where the situation is most tense: 42 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized and 6 are in resuscitation.

“Almost everyone has a delta (variety, aut. P.). In fact almost everyone, only the individual have different ones. Perhaps it should be mentioned that there are already several cases that we cannot diagnose at all, that we do not know about them,” he said. Vinsas Janušonis, chief physician of the Klaipėda University Hospital.

The situation is stable in the Vilnius and Kaunas clinics: between 8 and 10 patients are treated, one of them in resuscitation. In total, about 100 beds are occupied in hospitals in Lithuania. But if that number reaches 300, the government will assume the restrictions it lifted just a month ago.

“The occupancy of the 300 COVID-19 beds is an indicator that shows us that it is already difficult for us to increase the number of places for COVID-19 patients without reducing the provision of other services,” Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys said on Monday . after the informal meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The minister says that by monitoring the number of diseases and the spread of the delta strain faster than the previous strain, the occupation of 300 COVID-19 beds will be reached in 3-4 weeks. So the restrictions can return to many lives in August.

“Movement between cities in particular should not be restricted. And if more measures are needed to protect human health, they should only be supported. But not like at the beginning of the year,” said a girl on the street who spoke to LNK.

Another woman said she no longer wanted the quarantine at all.

“Because it has been enough for 2,” he said.

Another man said he would “go fight the state” because there would definitely be enough quarantines as there already were.

The ministries will decide the restrictions we will find in the fall. Health Minister A. Dulkys continues to ensure that those who have not been vaccinated and do not have a Passport of Opportunities will feel limited.

“Of course, the main tool here would be the Passport of Opportunities. And there would be agreements on what activities and to what extent are possible in such a situation. And what the Passport of Opportunities could and could not allow”, explained the Minister.

Health experts predict that this will be the fourth wave of coronavirus. But it should cost fewer lives and be less entangled in people’s lives.

“People who do not have the Opportunity Passport should visit sports clubs, where there is really a lot of contact, restaurants, discos and other activities. To reduce the spread of the virus, ”said Mindaugas Stankūnas, a professor at the Lithuanian Health Sciences University (LSMU).

The quarantine in Lithuania was revoked as of July 1. Some requirements and recommendations, such as the use of masks, are still valid today.
