A medical assistance mission returned to Lithuania to help combat COVID-19 in Armenia


The Spartan Air Force transport plane, which had flown eight doctors and three experts, landed in Šiauliai on Saturday night.

Marius Čiurlionis, a representative of the Ministry of Health (SAM) and the head of the medical team, stated that the successful medical assistance mission has ended. No new Lithuanian medical missions have been planned yet.

“We are all healthy, we still have no signs, the flight was long with a stop in Bulgaria, no one on the team complains of specific coronavirus symptoms,” he said in a brief press conference at Siauliai airport.

M. Čiurlionis called the medical assistance mission a challenge, because it is the first case in Lithuania when doctors came to provide assistance to another country.

“For the first time in our lives, we began to provide aid from a country that used to receive aid. It is a great step forward,” he said.

Nurse Virginija Savickienė stated that in Armenia she had to work not only with local doctors, but also with people from other countries, such as Italy and France.

According to M. Čiurlionis, new Lithuanian medical missions are not yet planned.

“No new missions are currently planned. Lithuania has set itself the goal of becoming a member of the WHO international missions team, and perhaps in the future it will allow us to continue to organize humanitarian missions on a global scale,” said M. Čiurlionis.

According to him, in Armenia he investigated around 100,000. samples, 500 deaths were recorded, infected people, more than 37 thousand.

Participants in the humanitarian mission now face 14 days of isolation. “Those who will isolate themselves on farms, separated from their families. Very different, “said M. Čiurlionis.

Health Minister Aurelius Veryga, Head of State Emergency Operations at the state level, thanked the mission participants, who have completed their work in Armenia: “We hope that this successful humanitarian mission opens up opportunities for new partnerships and projects in the future, “said the minister.

The Armenian colleagues were assisted for two weeks by the anesthesiologist-resuscitator Ainius Žarskus, the resident anesthesiologists-resuscitators Lukas Neimanas and Romanas Botovas, nurses – Diana Rinkevičiūtė, V. Savickienė, Laura Gurskienė, Jolita Škudait Panev hospitals.

The team also included Commander Valdas Meškauskas, a military doctor who works at SAM’s Emergency Operations Management Center, and Commander Aurimas Gusčius, as well as supervising logistical problems in Lithuania and Armenia.

Lithuanian doctors worked at two hospitals in Yerevan.
