A man who distributed flowers to protesters in Minsk came out of a state of shock from the Interior Board


The man danced in a state of tears and could not say a word. According to his lawyer, Maxim was beaten on the board’s premises. Representatives of the militia, to whom journalists immediately addressed the comment, responded only at night. This information was not confirmed by the Interior Ministry and was described as “not verified”.

Family lawyer Julia Levanchuk told the Onliner portal that Maxim and his wife Katerina had been detained near their home and that officials had used physical violence. The woman was released on the way and the lawyer immediately went to the Pervomaiskojė District Internal Affairs Board.

“I refused to confirm that Maxim had them for a long time,” he said. “I demanded a book of complaints and suggestions, but they didn’t either.”

An ambulance also arrived at the dashboard. J. Levanchuk along with Katerina met Maxim. His friends filmed the man being pulled off the dash to the ambulance, he was beaten in shock. Maxim was unable to answer any of the questions. This video quickly spread online.

“When the ambulance arrived, everything was clear to me. Maxim was defeated. He could barely speak. He said he kicked him and hit him with sticks. It should be noted that there is no official document on Maxim’s arrest. has granted him no status, “said the lawyer.

“Maxim could have been arrested for his active participation in peaceful demonstrations against violence. Many went to the rallies to bring flowers from his shop,” he said.

Maxim was transferred to the 3rd State Clinical Hospital, where the man’s relatives were also. According to them, two people in civilian clothes were driving at the same time and did not show up. Initially, the man was taken to the surgical corps and later transferred to the therapy room.

“I broke my arms and immediately took the car,” said the wife of the beaten.

“It all happened around 8.30,” Katerina told Onliner. – We were getting ready for work, we got off the stairs and got into the car. It didn’t take a few seconds (we couldn’t even close the door) when strangers attacked our car very rudely and opened all the doors. Maxim was punched in the face, very brutally. “

“I broke my arms and immediately took to the car. There were two of them. There were four people in one car, the same in the other. At first they beat without wearing a ski mask. When I started yelling at the neighbors, yelling our names, they started filming. And then all those people put on ski masks. Maxim was probably hit pretty hard there when one of the guys in that car pulled the bandage out of the basket. I realized that there was not something happening just for me, “said the woman.

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I know that most of you do not live in Belarus, but I must share my feelings that I am experiencing now: hatred, anger and confusion. This is my friend. Maxim @horoshin, we’ve known each other since our student years. Yesterday morning in Minsk unidentified men wearing masks attacked him, dragged him out of the car, beat him, put a ski mask over his head and took him to the detention center, where they beat him for another two hours and tortured him. with confessions. The video in which Maxim is taken out of the isolation room and instead of jail is taken to the intensive care unit has flown on social networks. His friends joke sarcastically that for this exit he could even receive La Palma. Within hours, from the owner of a small flower shop, Maxim became one of the symbols of the resistance, symbols of the struggle for New Belarus. I am writing this because I cannot remain silent, because the atrocities of the Belarusian riot police have never touched me so closely and so personally. Lukashenka’s regime is criminal. It shouldn’t, it can’t go on like this. Abdication. Re-election. A peaceful transfer of power is a majority demand. Most of the inhabitants of Belarus. For two months my friends, their wives and children have been living and looking around to see if discreetly dressed civilians came to pick them up. They hide in courtyards, fleeing from persecution. Protect yourself from flash grenades and noise. Free the comrades from the prisons. They pay this price for a new life in a new country, in Belarus, which they deserve, free from fears and dictatorships. And they must win. I want to support you. I’m very proud of you. Long live Belarus! ps Maxim is better. It has a funny story from the hospital.
A post shared by Dmitry Shepelev (@dmitryshepelev) on Oct 14, 2020 at 12:45 pm PDT

Then, according to Katherine, the masked men searched her car for 15 minutes. Where there was a man at that time, she didn’t know because he wouldn’t let her walk away.

“They told me to sit down and be quiet, because I will also put on a ski mask,” he said. – They didn’t show up, they didn’t show any certificate. They were dressed in uniform colors, mostly black. They were armed. Those who arrested Maxim had pistol holsters. I asked him: “Who are you and what do you want?” They replied, “Well, who are we? We are from the military. Do you think we are bandits?

“During the search, a man was talking on the phone the whole time. He clarified what to bring and what not. The only thing they took out of the car was a passport. I saw it, ”Katerina said. “They answered all the questions about what was happening and why they were arresting, telling me to shut up.”

Maxim’s wife says the only reason they were detained was the fact that they were participating in peaceful protests. It is unknown if this is due to the fact that Maxim donated flowers to the participants.

“When the search was over, the car with Maxim was gone. Where, I don’t know,” Katerina said. – I left two stops from home. I asked to return the keys to the machine and the telephone. They said that all the keys and phones went out with Maxim, and they offered to take me to the Pervomaiskoje District Ministry of the Interior. We immediately called there. Of course, there was no Maxim, according to his version. However, my lawyer and I went there and he was already there. Defeated. However, he was not registered as a detainee. They still have no information that Maxim was taken there. “

Katerina commented on a video that captures Maxim leaving the inner-district state in shock and unable to answer the question.

“He said they hit him hard, that he started to suffocate on the way to the car because he had health problems,” Katerina said. – Doctors said his internal organs were damaged. They hit in such a way that they are not very visible from the outside, but everything is swollen with him, he barely drags his leg ”.

Katerina claimed that neither she nor her husband opposed the representatives of the force structures.

“It all started when Maxim was hit with four fists at once,” he said. – We could not resist physically because we were sitting in our car, everything happened in just a few seconds. They didn’t say a word to us, they didn’t ask, they didn’t introduce themselves. I cannot explain why people can be detained in this way. “

Only later did Choroshin himself tell Svoboda radio station about his arrest.

“He took it out of the car, crushed it first, and then took it to the district headquarters,” he said. – Broken nose, concussion, torn tissues, shoulders, damaged internal organs. He just broke into the car and pulled it to the ground. It broke while sitting behind the wheel. I just didn’t understand what it was about. We will fight for justice. “

“He stopped me at home, my wife and I were sitting in the car. As soon as we sat down, he attacked and opened all the doors. Four times he hit hard in the face, he was lying on the floor bloody face down. He asked me if I understood what was holding me back. I answered no. I put my wife in the car, put a ski mask on her head and put her on a bus, put the handcuffs on. I drove all the way swallowing my head. It scared me in some groups of chat and threatened the owners’ children. He said I am very radical. I explained that I was wrong not to take care of those things, that I myself had a six year old son. He said that if he turns out to be clean, he will run. It turns out that I went transported by officials of the Board of Directors of the country’s Interior Ministry against organized crime and corruption, ”said the man himself a few days after the atrocities.

According to him, another story began at the district’s interior board.

“People in civilian clothes contacted me: they did not know anything about the interview groups and they started accusing me of participating in the protests. Then the funniest thing began: it is said that I had dismantled the water cannon, burned down Commander OMON’s summer house, actively participated in the rally. He showed me a photo of where he was standing with my hood over his head and a photo of the rally, and claimed he was there. He asked what I don’t like about Belarus. After all, I have it all. Then the two with ski masks on their heads began to beat with sticks and say: “We will teach you to love your country, to love the militia! Betrayed! How much does it cost you? “Fly long: a good twenty minutes, in the head, threshing the whole body. Then I lost consciousness. Soon an asthma attack began, the shortness of breath began and the seizures began. Finally he summoned uniformed officers. The air began to flow. to each other: “Why did he have to be beaten so brutally?” He was not happy to have to be referred to a doctor (M. Choroshin was diagnosed with edema of internal organs). “Then he threatened to give me thirty days in the Okrestin’s solitary confinement, to sue for the unauthorized organization of the rally, “he said.

Attorney Levanchuk said that Choroshin could recognize those who beat him.

“Some of them did not hide their faces, they were in the hospital. Part was wearing a ski mask. You can barely recognize them, said the lawyer. – We will take all measures to force the guilty to answer. We have entered the complaint in the complaints and suggestions book. I demanded the arrival of the head of the board of the interior of the Pervomaiskojė district. They answered me. He said everyone is busy and no one can go out. As soon as at least the original medical records have been prepared, we will immediately contact the Investigation Committee with a complaint and evidence (photographs, videos, and medical certificates) to hold people accountable under the law, as we believe that it has been used violence against them illegally. “

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