A look at the portfolios: in the new Seimas we will have five millionaires and several borrowers


New members of the Seimas are compared to tv3.lt according to their declared income, registered assets and loans received.

Five official millionaires will soon start in parliament: Vytautas Landsbergis, Ramūnas Karbauskis, Kęstutis Glaveckas, Antanas Guoga and Valdemaras Valkiūnas. However, if we were to look at total family ownership or the market value of politicians’ property, there would be many more MPs with millions.

Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union (TS-LKD) faction

In the election-winning TS-LKD party, only two deputies reported having more than 500,000. Assets recorded in EUR: since 2004 Kazys Starkevičius working in Seimas and Dainius Kreivys working in the construction business. The latter is also a shareholder in a private consulting firm.

More than 100 thousand. 27 of the 50 new Seimas members who belong to the party have registered assets in euros. Only three representatives of TS-LKD have not declared any property: Agnė Bilotaitė, Andrius Vyšniauskas and Kristijonas Bartoševičius.

K. Starkevičius (nearly 646 thousand) also indicates the highest annual income on his return. In second place, with a much smaller number, is a long-term diplomat, a member of the Seimas Žygimantas Povilionis (149 thousand). The lowest income, just over 3.5 thousand. Audrius Petrošius, who was elected to parliament for the first time, testified.

Gabrielius Landsbergis and Ingrida Šimonytė

The party president, Gabrielius Landsbergis, declared that he had registered a property for 204 thousand. Your declared annual income – a little more than 50 thousand. However, the TS-LKD leader mentioned another impressive figure in the statement: 1.3 million. has invested euros in stocks, works of art and jewelry.

Adding the figures obtained, the average annual income of all new members of the TS-LKD Seimas faction is 66 thousand. The total registered equity of the group members amounts to almost 7 million. euros. TS-LKD representatives of banks and credit companies have borrowed more than 2 million. euros.

Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS) faction

In the Union of Greens and Peasants of Lithuania, the party president, Ramūnas Karbauskis, stands out the most. He has declared more than 13 million. goods subject to registration. R. Karbauskis also owns more than 10 million. securities, artwork or jewelry. The party president has also declared more than 800 thousand. cash.

The reported amount of taxable and non-taxable income, the amount of individual income and the amount of property income from the sale or other transfer of non-individual assets together amount to more than € 20 million.

More than half a million euros in assets have been declared by two more party members: Valius Ąžuolas and Kęstutis Mažeika. V. Ąžuolas must register more than 600 thousand. value of assets, and K. Mažeika – 570.8 Cerdocyon. assets worth EUR.

Ramūnas Karbauskis

In terms of income, the members of the faction are far behind R. Karbauskas. More than 100 thousand. Only V. Ąžuolas and Aušrinė Norkienė have income of EUR. V. Ąžuolas has declared more than 400 thousand. Taxable and non-taxable income, as well as, more than 200 thousand income come from individual activities. A. Norkienė declared more than 120 thousand. EUR of taxable and non-taxable income and a little more than 40 thousand. receives from individual activities.

The value of the property subject to registration of four members of the LVŽS party is less than 5,000 euros: Arvydas Nekrošius, Agnė Širinskienė, Rūta Miliūtė and Robertas Šarknickas. A. Nekrošius has declared 3.8 thousand. Tour worth EUR, A. Širinskienė – 3 thousand. euros. R. Miliūtė – 2.5 thousand. EUR and R. Šarknickas – 2 thousand. euros.

Tomas Tomilinas and V. Ąžuolas have the largest loans among party members. The loan from T. Tomilinas amounts to 70 thousand. EUR, and V. Ąžuolas 120 thousand. euros.

In total, all party members have loaned more than 500 million. euros. Medium The income of a member of the LVŽS faction is more than 500 thousand. euros.

Lithuanian Liberal Movement Faction (LRLS)

Kęstutis Glaveckas, an economist and long-time member of the Seimas, points to the largest number of registered assets worth just over 1.2 million in the Lithuanian Liberal Movement. In second place, with almost double the amount, Arminas Lydeka (738 thousand euros), who calls himself an expert in protocol and etiquette, and thirdly, Juozas Baublys from Varėna (almost 339 thousand euros).

Romualdas Vaitkus, former director of the Tauragė Regional Museum, and Ričardas Juška, a member of Karšuva, are the least active among the new Liberal MPs.

Arminas Pike

According to the income received, K. Glaveckas also leads, the total amount declared by him is almost 414 thousand. euros. More than 190 thousand. J. Baublys also testified. Income less than 50 thousand. 6 members of the liberal faction of the Seimas pointed out: Ričardas Juška, Eugenijus Gentvilas, Simonas Gentvilas, Raimondas Lopata, Andrius Bagdonas and Romualdas Vaitkus.

The LLS member-elect loan also didn’t report much, and as many as 8 currently have no loans. The highest available debt is indicated by S. Gentvilas: more than 130 thousand. euros. The total amount of loans to party members is just over a quarter of a million.

Adding up all the data, it can be seen that the average annual income of a new member of the liberal faction of the Seimas is almost 89 thousand. euros. The total amount of its assets is just over 4 million. euros.

Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) faction

13 members of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party joined the Seimas, of which Vidmantas Kanopa has declared the greatest asset. The value of his property reaches more than 200 thousand. euros. V. Kanopa also has more than 100,000. values, works of art and jewelry.

Four more party members have registered assets worth more than $ 100,000. These are Liudas Jonaitis, Rasa Budbergytė, party chairman Gintautas Paluckas and party newcomer Vilija Targamadzė.

Gintautas Paluckas (photo by Fotobank)

L. Jonaitis has the highest reported in the taxable and non-taxable income faction. They amount to more than 85 thousand euros. The income of other party members varies between 30,000 and 40,000. euros.

Linas Jonauskas has not registered any assets, but her funds amount to 21 thousand. EUR and income: around 50 thousand. euros.

Dovilė Šakalienė has the largest loan in the party. It reaches more than 90 thousand. euros. The party’s president, G. Paluckas, has the second largest loan: 81,000. euros.

The average annual income for an LSPD member is just over 40,000. and all party members have borrowed more than 200 thousand euros.

Freedom Party Group (LP)

Among the members of the Freedom Party, Kasparas Adomaitis, an analyst of statistics and urban economics, has declared the largest number of assets: a little more than 202 thousand. movable and immovable property for more than 100 thousand. Four other members of the faction have been registered: Ieva Pakarklytė, Monika Ošmianskienė, Morgana Danielė and Artūras Žukauskas.

According to the statements submitted, the party leader Aušrinė Armonaitė is the one with the fewest assets. He said he had no registered assets at all. The second number on the electoral list, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, also points out that he does not have much movable property and its value is 800 euros.

Aušrinė Armonaitė in the presidency after meeting with Gitanas Nausėda (photo by Fotobankas)

According to the declared income, the former rector of Vilnius University (VU) Artūras Žukauskas is in first place, declared a little more than 80 thousand last year. euros. K. Adomaitis, who has worked in second place in an international company so far, with 66 thousand. euros. Monika Ošmianskienė declared the lowest income: almost 19 thousand.

The Freedom Party does not have many debts: only four members of the faction indicate loans in the statement: I. Pakarklytė (90 thousand), K. Adomaitis (78 thousand), Morgana Danielė (28 thousand) and the youngest member of the new Seimas Marius Matijošaitis (about 5 thousand). .).

Based on available data, the average annual income of all elected members of the Freedom Party is approximately 42,000. Its total registered assets are just over 837.5 thousand. euros. The total amount of loans amounts to almost 199 thousand. euros.

Group Labor Party (DP)

The third Labor Party number, Antanas Guoda, leads among his peers in terms of wealth and income. Mr. Guoga has declared more than one million assets subject to registration. He also owns more than 15 million worth of securities, artwork and jewelry. The amount of taxable and non-taxable income amounts to more than half a million and income from individual activities exceeds 300 thousand. euros.

More than 100 thousand. 4 employees: Valentinas Bukauskas, Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė, Viktoras Fiodorovas and Andrius Mazuronis have declared assets worth EUR. The property is not registered by Vytautas Gabšys.

Antanas Guoga (photo by K. Polubinska)

Based on the reported amounts of taxable and non-taxable income, Vigilijus Jukna, an employee, follows A. Guoga. His income reaches more than 75 thousand. by year. Second, Vaida Giraitytė, its income reaches more than 68 thousand. euros.

A. Guoga has the largest loan, as well as the largest assets. It has borrowed almost 800 thousand. euros. The second largest loan among the members of the Labor Group belongs to Viktor Fyodorov. He has borrowed 73 thousand. euros.

The average income of all the elected members of the Labor Party is about 98 thousand, and the total amount of loans exceeds one million euros.

Mixed faction of Seimas

The mixed faction in the new Seimas will be made up of four self-proclaimed candidates, three representatives from the Social Democratic Labor Party (LSDDP), three representatives from the Lithuanian Polish Electoral Action Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS), one each from the Green Party Lithuanian (LLP) and the Freedom and Justice Party. (LTP) representative.

According to the statement, without any competition, the businessman, former mayor of the Biržai Valdemaras Valkiūnas district, has the largest amount of real estate assets. The value of his property is just over 3 million. euros. Remigijus Žemaitaitis, the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, is in second place, he has registered assets for almost 380 thousand.

Beata Petkevič, representative of the LLRA-KŠS elected in the first round of elections, states that she does not have any registered assets. Property for less than 20 thousand. His partner, Česlavas Olševski, and Domas Griškevičius, who presented his own application in Šiauliai, also declare that he has EUR.

According to the income received, V. Valkiūnas also leads (350 thousand), and in the second and third place there are more than 100 thousand. LSDDP representatives Andrius Palionis and Zigmantas Balčytis declared annual income of EUR.

The third member of the LSDDP, who joined the Seimas, Jonas Pinskus, declares that he did not receive any taxable income last year. According to the number of loans available, it is still in second place (144 thousand) and is only lower than R. Žemaitaitis, who has borrowed just over 218 thousand. euros.

The median annual income of a member of the Seimas mixed faction is nearly 84,000. euros. Its total registered assets amount to nearly 4.5 million. EUR and loans – 529 thousand.
