A Lithuanian who has returned from Norway is forced to isolate himself: he has clearly shown me that I am an emigrant and a second-class Buddhist.


The woman began her story living in Norway for twelve years, but did not want to be labeled as an emigrant for a long time.

“I am an emigrant, although for many years I did not want to admit it, I always felt that I was a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, that I loved my country very much and instilled that love in my descendants.” No matter how much I didn’t want to admit this to myself, the last events of life clearly showed me not only that I am an emigrant, but also a second-class citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, who was on the border, ”she said.

The crisis has tight plans

According to the woman, her story is that she left Lithuania with her family in 2008, when there was no indication of a global crisis in the world. Both with her husband had jobs in Lithuania, served in the Republic of Lithuania, were government representatives. However, ambitions and desires exceeded income, and one night the man completed a questionnaire and got a job in Norway very quickly.

“He had a degree in mechanics and went to repair cars. He did well, the employers offered a long-term contract and also did everything possible to bring the family. For personal reasons, for the well-being of the family, I agreed to come. And so, in 2008 I raised my wings with my two young daughters, one girl was 8 years old and the other was 10 ”.

Ruth recalled that the girls immediately started attending school, and the family’s plan was to stay in the host country for two years and return to their homeland after earning money. Unfortunately, the global crisis has adjusted everything in its own way.

“We just tipped off then. If I had the power to go back in time, today I wouldn’t be determined to take that step.” Just as we were middle class, nothing has changed, we have not become millionaires, and we will not be in a foreign country and prophets. The only advantage I see is that we all learned an additional language, we became familiar with the Norwegian culture, we met the authorities, the schools too, and there really is something to learn and even adapt, “he said.

R. Kunigiškienė continued the story that in 2017, both daughters of the family, according to their mother, who loved their homeland very much, decided to abandon their parents and offer their youthful potential to the Lithuanian market.

“The whole time we were in Norway, they wore pink glasses and saw Lithuania as the country of their dreams where they would like to live. After all, we went back to vacation, and vacation, of course, is always fun. Unfortunately, the pink glasses fell very quickly and began to see differences, for example, between national education systems. There are many suggestions in the minds of daughters about how to improve one area or another, but overall, they really feel happier. ”

According to Rūta, in three years the girls are finishing adapting, but they still see the imperfections of the Lithuanian authorities and many proposals mature that, unfortunately, do not leave the family circle.

“The oldest is a student, the young man is graduating from 12th grade this year. Having long dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, at the last moment he questioned his choice and began to consider the possibility of studying political science, because he wanted to change a lot in Lithuania. This whole long introduction is actually the beginning for me to put it in context because of my recent experience, “he assured me.

He decided to go back and help his youngest daughter

The woman said she had a plane ticket to Lithuania on April 10, but since the beginning of the school year there was a plan for her to return to her homeland and help her daughter prepare for the exams. At least Ruth said she didn’t have to worry about her basic needs, like cooking.

“As everyone knows, the world has sunk into the Covid-19 crisis, the opportunity to return has been prevented, the flight has been canceled. Since then, she has begun a constant search for ways to return to her daughter. She I was wondering when, mom, would you come back? I couldn’t answer, baby, as soon as I released it. I had bought airline tickets for May 18 and 25. But this is the opportunity, the Kidy tour arranged a special flight to take place on May 17. But the joy quickly faded, the flight was canceled, all hopes faded. “

He also recalled that all other flights had been canceled, but hope soon reappeared when the Foreign Minister declared that he would submit a request to resume regular flights from Oslo to Vilnius and vice versa.

“It was decided that from May 25. it resumed flights from Oslo Sadefjord Torp airport to Vilnius airport, at the same time, other good news was announced that it will resume flights from Bergen, which is more geographically more favorable for us Then the dilemma of when to fly began, or on May 27 and quarantine for 14 days, or on June 1. There was a question, and if the quarantine is lifted, what will it be like, if it will be lifted for all those who returned from Norway, even for those who returned on May 27, or only for those who will return on June 1. This is where the whole story of the absurd began, “he said.

“Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has announced that the quarantine in Lithuania will continue until June 16. Then I realized that there was no hope of self-isolation. I made the decision to return to Lithuania on May 27, less favorably since the Oslo Sandefjord Torp airport, because I wanted the self-isolation time to end as soon as possible and I could help my daughter prepare for the exams, and the girl’s educator and school social worker asked me when I will be back because he wanted me to I was in the graduation exam period and accompany my daughter to the exams, ”Rūta commented on why she decided not to wait for an exact government decision on lifting the quarantine and returned in late May.

The woman also mentioned that her son has certain health problems, which made such a need greater than that of, for example, the parents of perfectly healthy children. And he emphasized that, without a doubt, all parents want to support their children at such an important moment in their lives: “Unfortunately, I am now disappointed with this decision of mine.”

Solved the problem of self-isolation

When she already had tickets and hoped that everything would go smoothly, the flight would take place, Ruth began to solve the problem of self-isolation.

“I have read many articles, legal acts, I am looking for information on the website of the Municipality of Vilnius, as well as at the airport. I take a look at the word self-isolation, unfortunately little information. We have an apartment we own in Vilnius, but my place of permanent residence is Norway, I have not declared it in Lithuania. I am considering renting an apartment for two weeks. I find telephones for self-isolation in municipal premises ”.

According to the woman, she wasn’t really attracted to that prospect, but she wanted to know what the conditions were for such a possibility. She called two phone numbers, unfortunately, as she claimed, no one answered since one number was constantly busy and the other was calling, but no one picked up the phone.

“I find an article in Delfi, in which I wrote: ‘The Ministry’s response establishes that natural persons who rent homes to foreigners must follow the same recommendations. It is true that real estate owners must rent the house legally.” It encouraged me, I rented an apartment that I liked that fulfilled all the requirements for self-isolation, with the possibility of going out, because we did not see the sun all winter and we miss it madly, “explained R. Kunigiškienė.

She thought the problem had also been solved, but another dilemma arose over how to get to the rented facility since her daughter did not have driver’s licenses.

“I have friends in Vilnius, but the plane had to land at 10:35, and they have all the work, it is inconvenient to ask for that service.” I find the phrase of salvation: “People who may be isolated in their home or other place of residence but who do not have their own transportation will be transported to their homes or other place of residence by municipal transportation.” Valio! Another problem is solved. I ask my daughters to buy food, look for information on how to find the key, enter the department. ”

The woman also completed a questionnaire on the page of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), long before the flight, indicating her address for self-isolation, checking the box that she had not declared her place of residence in Lithuania, and saving, since later He thought the box would require municipal transportation to self-insulating premises.

He realized that he had made a mistake.

R. Kunigiškienė reasoned that she never asked the government for anything while living in Lithuania, she paid all taxes honestly, but this time she decided to use the transport service with a calm heart.

“It just came to our attention then. The flight went smoothly, here we are in Lithuania, the weather forecast is favorable, I am ready for summer. I have a light sweater and a thin jacket. Raising my head, I pass all the points because I was the only one who completed the questionnaire online, measured the temperature, and got to the last point where they asked me how I would go to the place of self-isolation. I said that I completed the questionnaire with municipal transportation. “

The employee asked to sit down and said that municipal transportation is not yet available and will have to wait an hour. After a minute, he approached her again and began naming alternatives: friends, relatives, municipal bees, or any other rental car.

“I immediately rejected my friends, which I did before the flight, I did not find any information about the alternative of renting a car, so I rejected that possibility.” I installed the City Bee app, but I had a hard time concentrating, I had never used that service before. I tried to find something, he threw me that there is no car nearby. The girl ran again, calmed down, said that the hundredth person would pass soon and that the problem of municipal transportation would be solved soon, “he said.

Ruth waited patiently, several hours passed, people waiting together, she said, even began to curse in uncensored words, screaming.

“At first I did not understand his actions, today I justify them. It was cold in the facilities, I froze, I kept waiting at 2 o’clock, the girl came closer, she moved further away from the angry citizen, she called, she coordinated, she really saw that I was trying to help, 2.5 hours passed, I got even colder, during that time nobody offered me even a glass of water, let alone a cup of tea.

I naively hoped that we would come here in Vilnius and immediately wait with outstretched arms, because sometimes (when the Prime Minister and other representatives of the authorities ask, it can turn out, but unfortunately the reality is quite different), simply Go and in 10 minutes you will be in the dream of your self-isolation, in a warm room, with a cup of hot tea. “

According to the woman, it was just a hallucination, after almost 3 p.m. Finally, the staff informed him of the good news that the driver had arrived.

“It just came to our attention then. The girl said she still has to call me. After speaking on the phone, without much explanation, she completed a line on a sheet of paper with many words, which she wrote about the Air Inn hotel and informed me that it would be “like a lady.” I don’t realize anything anymore, the blood has started to boil. After all, I’m dealing with self-isolation, officially, after all, I have real estate in Lithuania, I can ask my daughters to they move to rented premises, and I can stay in the property that legally belongs to me. I began to regret even more having requested transportation from the municipalities. “

The woman saw that those who said they had arrived and then, as she herself had seen through the news, simply sat on public transport, no one asked them if they had declared their place of residence or not, no one accompanied them until they came to collect them. relatives, they did not find out if they really obey all the laws.

“It turns out that in 3 hours they were able to discover that I have not declared my place of residence in Lithuania, which already means that I am a second-class marginal citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, with no right to choose. So the question arises, why It allows us to acquire real estate in Lithuania, why doesn’t it deprive the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania at all and deprive us of the opportunity to return to Lithuania? ”She posed a rhetorical question.

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Forced to return from Norway: a Lithuanian demonstrated that I am an emigrant and second class <em>vigil</em>“width =” 580 “/></p>
<div class=© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

The right to choose was revoked

According to Rūta, he also has close relatives here who could also take good care of his self-isolation, there are many other possibilities, but in his words, the right to choose between undeclared residence alternatives in Lithuania with this combination of words was private in the legislation.

“I am locked in a hotel, as if breathing Lithuanian air, it would contaminate it with the Death Virus, because I have not declared my place of residence in Lithuania.” When buying real estate, I paid 21% to this state. VAT tax, my children live in Lithuania, I hire an official tutor, the eldest attends official courses in sewing, living expenses, food, services, almost everything I earn comes to Lithuania and although I do not pay the tax on rent, PSD, but pay more through VAT, than many people who work and live in Lithuania permanently here, ”Rūta was outraged by the government’s decisions.

It is very painful for her that Lithuania, in the opinion of a woman, is only second class, vigil emigrant, without the right to choose where to isolate, without the right to choose what foods to eat, because he feeds the isolated: “Thank you for your services, but I did not ask for them! I asked for the only service, transportation, which I will regret for the rest of my life and will never again depend on government institutions. Because what looks beautiful on paper doesn’t really exist. As they say Bend and it beats in the church, so it happened to me, that, when the pig’s eyes settled, they told me that someone was waiting for them, they went and went, and they are where they want to be. “

R. Kunigiškienė noted that the story of the absurdity still continues as of May 29, because there is a new decision of the Head of Operations, which disappears the concept of not declaring residence in Lithuania, but to change the place of self-isolation, you must request permission to change it, and a decision will be made within 48 hours.

“June 2 It was the last 24 hours. and not only that, since June 1. returnees from Norway will no longer need to be isolated, because for 14 days in the Kingdom of Norway the incidence of Covid-19 did not exceed 15 cases per 100,000. population t. and. May 27 It already falls in those 14 days when it no longer exceeded the rules, but the law only applies to new returnees.

Although my Covid-19 test result is negative, I still have to isolate myself before June 10. In general terms, those who returned on May 27 are sick and those who are already on June 1 are healthy. The lack of logic in the decisions leads to despair, the left does not know what the right is doing. “

He also mentioned that the self-isolation is not officially claimed to be a prison, but Ruth cannot go out, although it has been reported on television that it will be possible to walk and even move 1 km from the place of self-isolation. However, the hotel manager who called said that it didn’t matter what she saw, but that it didn’t apply to her, and only applies to those who have a direct exit to the field.

The woman assured that the decisions do not update each other, and the man becomes a hostage to the system.

“Another important fact is that I have rented the facilities at my expense since May 27, sitting at the Air Inn Hotel” like a lady “, for your money, dear taxpayers, feeding as much as for your money when I, meanwhile, could take care of myself, my daughters would have provided me with food. “

Ruth added that he has no reproach to law enforcement officers, who he believes are just soldiers standing on the front line, enduring all the anger and despair of the people, and the generals are behind them at the time and giving orders. .

I trusted a previous decision

The Vilnius City Municipality (VMS) stated that on May 29, the Minister of Health-State of Emergency Manager of State Operations The decision approved the list of countries where the incidence of coronavirus infection in the last 14 calendar days it did not exceed 15 cases per 100,000. The 14-day isolation, which did not apply to citizens of Lithuania, other countries of the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and persons legally residing in these countries, has been in effective from June. 1 d. and it applies to people who have arrived in Lithuania since that date.

“People who arrived in Lithuania before June 1. they were housed under the auspices of the Minister of Health-Head of State Emergency Operations on March 23. a decision stating that the National Center for Public Health instructs people to isolate themselves in isolation facilities provided by the municipal administration (depending on the place of entry to Lithuania) during medical-quarantine control at international border crossing points, if the person has not declared a place of residence in Lithuania, “says Delfi. in the comment from the municipality.

It is also noted that the rules for the isolation of people with COVID-19, people suspected of having coronavirus infection and people who have been in contact in their home, other place of residence or premises provided by the municipal administration, approved by the Minister Health on March 12. the person can apply to the NVSC for a change of the place of isolation or a permit to leave the place of isolation.

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