A Lithuanian in England boasts of having overlooked the self-isolation system


Lithuania is one of the least affected countries in Europe by the coronavirus, and the situation in the United Kingdom is much more serious: the British are among the leaders in black statistics not only on the continent, but also across the planet.

As a result, this country is still ranked as the highest risk when Lithuania and other European countries remove the barriers installed during strict quarantine.

However, they still apply to UK residents: On Monday, Lithuania released a list of countries from which people are not subject to the two-week self-isolation requirement, and Britain is not among them.

Therefore, upon returning from the UK to Lithuania, it is first necessary to isolate for 14 days.

But this requirement can be circumvented and such facts already exist.

He came back and went every day

At the height of the pandemic, the minimal reduction in access to Lithuania made it easier for all returnees to control: recording their names, addresses and other information at border crossing points, helping to control the spread of the coronavirus .

Recently, however, traveling between European countries has become easier, and for Lithuanians traveling to their native country, the decision of the Polish authorities to allow transit through the territory of this country after a 2-month break made it has made it much easier.

This opportunity became a common topic of conversation among Lithuanians in England preparing to travel to Lithuania on this overland route.

The compatriots were intimidated by the requirement to isolate themselves after 14 days of return; after all, the United Kingdom is a country where the incidence of coronavirus is still much higher than in most European countries.

But this requirement can be circumvented, says the source of the portal ENGLAND.today.

According to him, the man, who returned from the United Kingdom through Poland on June 1, crossed the Lithuanian border without any control.

“If you drive a car with Lithuanian registration numbers, the Lithuanian border guards don’t even stop. If with English numbers – brake. Just a question of which officer you will face. My relative” hit good border guards, “he told them. where and why they were going.

He even lost it without verifying the documents, without completing any information, “the source told the portal.

But the most interesting thing is that the same man spent only one day in Lithuania, took care of all his worries, got into another car, and returned to the UK via Poland.

He left the territory of Lithuania, where he had to isolate himself for 14 days, without any problem.

“I think it is a matter of success, maybe it depends on who checks at the border.” It turns out that the mandatory quarantine requirement is valid only if information is collected on the person entering the border, ”said a relative of an English Lithuanian who had avoided the mandatory order in Lithuania.

A matter of conscience

The described situation is theoretically impossible, it is still necessary to comply with the mandatory quarantine for those who have returned to Lithuania from the United Kingdom. Returnees can complete the online form, indicate their personal data, contacts and address, where it is planned to spend the mandatory quarantine period.

If this is not done, the mentioned data is collected at the border point when entering Lithuania, this task is entrusted to the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) by a special law.

ENGLAND. Today these institutions asked: is it at least hypothetically possible to avoid the described situation of the Lithuanian in England: to return and leave without going through the requirements?

“It is likely that such a situation could occur due to the untimely transmission of information about the traveler from foreign countries to the services of our country. However, the Polish authorities collect and transmit this information to the authorized services of Lithuania. Such persons receive a notice of the obligation to self-isolate if you have not registered in good faith when crossing the Lithuanian border.

If a person arrived in Poland from another country from which it was not yet possible to arrive that day and attempted to reach Lithuania in transit, they will be required to have 14 days of self-isolation. When crossing the border of the Republic of Lithuania, people are asked to act honestly and provide all necessary and correct information to the relevant services to avoid imported cases of COVID-19 and guarantee the health of other fellow citizens, “he says. the response of the Center.

We asked the same question to the Interior Ministry, responsible for the border, on June 2. He had not yet given an answer by the afternoon of June 3.


NSVC notes that failure to comply with the isolation requirements puts a person at risk of a € 60-140 warning or fine and a repeated infringement of € 140-600. If the violations caused the risk of spreading dangerous infectious diseases, the fine is 300-360 euros.

If the disease or outbreak of an epidemic has spread due to irresponsible behavior, the fine may not be paid; In this case, criminal liability applies and a person who does not comply with the law can end up in prison for up to 3 years.

Imported cases – from the UK

Although the flows of people arriving in Lithuania are even lower than before, they include people infected with Covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus.

Since the beginning of June, there have been 2 imported cases of the disease, one sick person has returned from England, confirmed by NSVC.

Four import cases were identified last weekend. A man had also returned from the United Kingdom.

These cases only confirm the ease with which coronavirus infection can be transported from England to Lithuania.

The cases identified also emphasize the importance of self-isolation; after all, their goal is to minimize transmission of the infection to others.

Starting next week, the United Kingdom will apply the same measures to all newcomers: it is interesting to know whether the island-based state will be able to control the cunning Lithuanians or whether its compatriots will eat the British forces from it. Lithuanian institutions way.
