A launch with a siren on Lithuanian citizenship: what document is I. Brazdeikis still missing?


At the end of December, Gitanas Nausėda signed amendments to the Citizenship Law, which states that a person who acquired Lithuanian citizenship by birth and acquired citizenship of another state by birth before the age of 18 cannot have acquired dual citizenship.

But this change in the legal framework also changed the contents of I. Brazdeikis’s suitcase.

15 minutes To the best of your knowledge, I. Brazdeikis currently needs a document, which is in the archives of Canadian institutions.

This is a document that confirms the date of acquisition of Canadian citizenship, for example, a certificate of naturalization or a certificate of granting of citizenship, which would confirm that I. Brazdeikis acquired it before reaching the age of majority.

For the Lithuanian authorities to recognize such a document, it must still be legalized at the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then at the Lithuanian Embassy in Canada. Subsequently, it must be translated into Lithuanian and certified by the person or institution entitled to a translation certificate.

Due to the modified procedure for granting dual citizenship, I. Brazdeikis has yet to resubmit a certificate of innocence in Canada and legalize it.

The Lithuanian Basketball Federation is actively communicating with I. Brazdeikis and his camp, as well as the Lithuanian Embassy in Canada and the Consulate General in New York. However, the huge bureaucratic mechanism is slowly exploding and the wandering of documents takes longer than it seems at first glance.

Martynas Jocius (@ mr.jocius) / Ignas Brazdeikis wants to represent the Lithuanian team

Martynas Jocius (@ mr.jocius) / Ignas Brazdeikis wants to represent the Lithuanian team

As soon as the required legalized document certifying the date of acquisition of Canadian citizenship and its translation falls into the mailbox of I. Brazdeikis, the representative of the New York Knicks will send all the necessary information and the request for return of citizenship to the Department of Migration by the consular. mail.

The Migration Department indicates that the examination of the submitted documents may take up to three months from the date of their submission, and subsequently, after referring the matter to the Citizenship Affairs Commission, the examination may take up to 1 year.

But as soon as I. Brazdeikis has the necessary documents, the LKF intends to submit a request to the Immigration Department and the Presidency to assess the situation of the New York Knicks player in the shortest possible time, so that he can wear the national Lithuanian. team jersey this summer.

I.Brazdeikis’s talent is playing two-on-two and creating opportunities for both himself and his teammates, Darius Maskoliūnas’ company, could help jump-start the ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.

The Olympic selection tournament in Kaunas will take place in 3.5 months, from June 29 to July 4. In it, Lithuania will fight for the only ticket to Tokyo with the teams of Slovenia, Poland, South Korea, Angola and Venezuela.

The Olympic Games are held this year from July 23 to August 8.

After regaining his citizenship, I. Brazdeikis will still have to take the oath to the Republic of Lithuania. You can do the same at the Lithuanian consular office in Canada.

But that is not all.

Photo from FIBA.com/Ignas Brazdeikis on the Canadian national team in 2016.

Photo from FIBA.com/Ignas Brazdeikis on the Canadian national team in 2016.

Having officially become a Lithuanian citizen, I. Brazdeikis will have to resolve his status in the FIBA ​​system.

As I. Brazdeikis already represented the Canadian team at the 2015 16-year-old American championship and the 2016 seventeen-year world championship, the LKF will still have to obtain the consent of the Canadian Basketball Federation and the FIBA ​​secretary. . General Andreas Zagklis to transfer him to the Lithuanian camp.

I.Brazdeikis appeared in the NBA championship on the floor in four games this season and scored 2 points in 7 minutes.

Scanpix nootr./Ignas Brazdeikis

Scanpix nootr./Ignas Brazdeikis

A Lithuanian-born Canadian last month participated in a G League bubble in Florida. In the NBA secondary league, the light forward forward averaged 34 minutes of play. 20.8 points (46.8 annual percent), 9.8 rebounds and 3.6 assists.

I. Brazdeikis submitted his application for Lithuanian citizenship on January 22, 2020.
