A Klaipeda resident who buried his 8-year-old son spoke about the loss: he gave sensitive words


Daniel, who was only a few years old, was marked with a rotavirus for life. Due to the consequences that caused it, the boy did not walk at all, did not move, did not see and did not speak. Unfortunately, the boy did not survive.

Sometime later today, Daniel’s father, Marius Skersys, thanks all the people who supported him with his son.

“We want to thank the administrators, participants and guardians of the group” Vilties spindulėlis “. The greatest respect for the members of the family, my parents, Daniel’s grandparents, who gave their best to be better only for Daniel”, Daniel’s father, Marius, is sensitive.

He grabbed Daddy’s hand tightly.

Recalling the last days of his son’s life, Marius today begins to realize that perhaps his son was really feeling something inside him.

“When I think … Daniel, sensually, invited me to stay together the last days of my life, a week before he died, when we ended up in the hospital, where we were together for hours.

The last time Daniel and I cut our nails, we washed, we played, we slept with our hugs. Danieliukas had a toy in his hand, so he did not press it as much as I shook his hand, even while he slept he squeezed it as hard and did not release it …

He cried infrequently, but started crying in the hospital, I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but after a visit to the doctor, he responded poorly to Daniel’s health. So we scratched tears, hugged each other, and my heart rate returned to normal, ”M. Skersys recalls the fateful moments.

Picked up bears on the day of the funeral.

The official cause of Daniel’s death is biological death. The funeral of an eight-year-old boy also took place more recently. According to Daniel’s father, the boy was accompanied that day by a very large group of people:

“There were a lot of people, sorry, I couldn’t communicate with everyone. If you want to visit the Danieliukas urn, you can find it in the Klaipėda Joniškiai cemetery, columbarium no. 1 block A, crypt no. 2. In front of the administrative building.

During the funeral, teddy bears were collected, which were then donated to children at the Klaipeda orphanage for the mentally disabled, who are also disadvantaged. “

Daniel’s father had also founded a charity fund for the boy, which could be donated by anyone who wanted to help the child grow stronger. Marius says that more than 100,000 euros has been raised in this fund, of which more than 55,000 euros have been used. According to the man, all the money will be distributed to organizations that help children with disabilities. The fund will be closed at the end of the year.

The broken virus changed Daniel's life forever

The broken virus changed Daniel’s life forever

Love and believe

“It just came to our attention then. Life is short, love, believe and never give up. I don’t know if maybe our story inspired any extra goodness. I hope it has left at least a trace of crumbs in your hearts.

Sometimes a wordless hug means a whole series of words. When a child feels safe by his side, all other problems no longer seem so insurmountable. Do not stop believing. Hope is the last thing you lose. Good luck and be happy, “wishes the man who lost his son with great sensitivity.

For readers who are not yet familiar with the story of young Daniel, we present a previously published interview with the boy’s father, Marius Skers:

The beginning of this story is quite happy and not very different from the stories of other families. Marius, along with his now ex-wife, eagerly awaited their first baby. Daniel saw this world completely healthy, full of love and parental care.

Admittedly, after a month, the boy was diagnosed with congenital hypothermia (the boy was born with an overactive thyroid gland), which caused the boy to develop slowly from the beginning, to start talking and walking when he was only 2 years old.

Clinical death occurred twice

At the age of 2.5, Daniel began attending kindergarten in September, but two months later the boy became ill with rotavirus, causing a quarantine in kindergarten.

“He spent four days in the infectious department of the Klaipeda University Hospital, then he sent us home for treatment. One day, Daniel started having microepilepsy at home, he became slow and had trouble breathing,” recalled Daniel’s father. some time.

Parents urgently called an ambulance, which waited only 20 minutes before the boy was out of breath. The family arrived at the hospital in approximately 40 minutes before the doctors filled out the admission documents, unfortunately Daniel suffered a clinical death.

“Daniel was revived for about two hours by the head of the department himself. He was resurrected but suffered a second clinical death in hospital two days later. He was then subjected to an artificial coma due to unstoppable cerebral edema. Much research has been done , but all have shown that Daniel is completely healthy, “said the interlocutor.

Doctors suspected for a time that the boy might have encephalitis, then the diagnosis changed to cerebral palsy. Finally, Daniel was diagnosed with spasmodic tetraplegic cerebral palsy. Later, another painful message emerged: the boy was blinded.

He was also diagnosed with epilepsy, and last summer Daniel had difficulty swallowing food, so he developed a gastrostomy. As Daniel’s father said, it was another big shock and one step back. However, after it, the child could be fed directly to the stomach.

Daniel’s mother left

Marius has been raising her son Daniel alone for over three years. Marius’ mother, Daniel’s grandmother, made a significant contribution to the care of the child. It was she who stayed home with the boy when Marius rushed to work.

Daniel mainly tried to communicate his emotions with those around him, Daniel’s father always, when he returned from work, he told the boy how his day was going.

The boy’s true mother unfortunately left with another man about three years ago. As Marius remembers, the woman left him and took the boy with him.

“So she did not allow me to see the child at all, I had to sue in court. And, as I say, then the case law turned its back on me, they allowed me to see Daniel only twice a month. I did not like it, I saw that I would see the boy more often if he dropped the lawsuit. Two weeks later, she married another man, “she said at the time.

The broken virus changed Daniel's life forever

The broken virus changed Daniel’s life forever

The broken virus changed Daniel’s life forever (personal file photo)

And then, according to Marius, Daniel’s mother’s behavior changed beyond recognition. He no longer needed such a child, he sent Mary to the hospital every time Daniel got there, even though the woman knew very well that the man was working for days.

The son has received no money so far.

One day the woman gave Marius an ultimatum: take the boy or he would go to weekly kindergarten. Marius had no choice, he didn’t want his only son to spend days with strangers.

Since then, his mother has visited Daniel only twice.

“Seeing and forgetting, I tried to slander myself once, saying that I would not let myself see the boy, but everything went out of the way because I said I ignore the calls and do not answer. I advised him to check the spreadsheets for calls and messages, he probably did everything because he owes us a lot of money, ”said the man at the time.

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