A high-ranking Plung official has become the target of the arsonists, and the officers are looking for clients.


M.Kaunas, 38, who lives in Plungė, did not know what to think as he fought his burning car “Audi A7” near the apartment building.

More questions than answers: revenge, a furious warning, or perhaps an onslaught of hooligans slimming down the streets?

The head of the district municipal administration himself became a witness to the crime when two men were spotted at midnight on Adolfo Jucio Street. They turned suspiciously toward the car he had left in the yard. So those guys splashed some kind of liquid on the hood and set it on fire.

Other residents of the apartment building also saw the car engulfed in flames through the windows.

He recognized the pattern of the arsonists.

After running to the yard, M. Kaunas and his neighbors put out the fire.

Although the incident was immediately reported to the Plung policía police, the arsonists managed to escape.

M.Kaunas, who has worked in the Telšiai County Fire Rescue and Security System for many years, has no doubt that the destruction of his family’s property was not attempted by mischievous teenagers, but by skilled criminals: “I used to commit such crimes myself. The detonators are not easy to detect, they work in the dark and fire usually destroys all traces. “

When the residents of the apartment building noticed the flames in time and put them out, the new Audi A7 car did not suffer much, only the hood was burned.

“A mixture of gasoline and diesel was probably added; the sticky liquid remains on the surface longer,” acknowledged M. Kaunas the pattern of arson.

He received no threats

The owner of the car is happy to have avoided major losses – 17-18 thousand. The repair costs of the Audi A7 worth one billion euros were covered by insurance.

After this attack, M. Kaunas did not feel calm. What to think when you saw the arsonists in the yard, but you don’t know for what reasons they started a fire, acted of their own free will, or carried out someone’s order?

The head of the Plungė municipality administration stated that he had not received overt and secret threats, or categorical demands, there were no more acute conflicts and intersections: “I have heard that in the past, bandits destroyed the property of people who did not believe them, even the officials. “

M. Kaunas did not rule out that perhaps someone was dissatisfied with the municipality’s activities, resentful of the results of the public procurement tenders, but did not specify specific people and situations.

The famous unemployed got stuck

After conducting the investigation, forensic scientists arrested the first person suspected of arson: Vitalijų N., a 38-year-old resident of the Klaipėda district who does not work anywhere.

A man who has been repeatedly caught by the police has previously been convicted of theft, destruction or damage to property and failure to carry out a judicial decision unrelated to the punishment.

5 years ago Vitaly N. got stuck in Northern Ireland; as soon as he arrived in the country, a month later, he was caught with drugs. Around a hundred bags of heroin were found on him.

After presenting himself as a drug addict, the Klaipėda resident initially tried to evade himself: he explained that he had bought £ 3,000 worth of drugs for himself, but later admitted to trading them.

The Royal Court of Belfast imprisoned the emigrant for two years and three months for possession of heroin with the aim of distributing it. After serving his sentence abroad, the man was sent to Lithuania.

Vitalijus N. is arrested on suspicion of arson. It is true that the husband’s freedom has been temporarily restricted due to other crimes that are currently being investigated by the police.

During the further investigation of the case of starting the car in M. Kaunas, another suspect, also Egidijus Š., A 28-year-old resident of the Klaipėda district, who does not work anywhere, was also detained.

This unemployed person is also well known to law enforcement agencies: previously convicted of robbery, robbery, violation of public order, serious health disorder due to negligence, drug possession.

Forensics are looking for firefighter clients

Both men are suspected of having planned the crime in advance: they bought a flammable liquid and, at night, they knocked out Plunge to Klaipėda.

One of them flooded M. Kaunas’ car in the yard and the other set it on fire. Important damage and possible serious consequences were avoided when the residents of Calle A. Jucio noticed the burning and extinction of the burning car in the apartment block on time.

After learning who may have attacked his property, M. Kaunas said that he fully trusted the police: “I do not know the suspects, I have not seen them anywhere, our roads have never crossed.”

Valdas Narutavičius, head of the Organized Crime Investigation Board of the Klaipėda County Police, said the allegations were made after collecting enough data on arson: “We have done a great job, but the investigation is not over yet. We will try to quickly identify the perpetrators of the crime. “
