A.Guoga will serve as a member of Seimas for at least one more week, but his return to the head of the company has already been announced.


15 minutes On Wednesday he announced that he had received information that A. Guoga was even in the Seimas. he may have been CEO of Cypherpunk Holdings.

The parliamentarian himself 15 minutes He stated that he had indefinitely suspended his activities in the company before taking the oath in the Seimas and presented the internal minutes of the meeting of company representatives, in which he stated that “Tony Guoga has submitted a request not to work indefinitely as of November 11th”.

At that time, the expert in constitutional law, Professor Vytautas Sinkevičius, Department of Constitutional Law, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) 15 minutes He stated that this was not enough – although the activities were suspended, the functions were not fulfilled, but were maintained – which is prohibited by the Constitution.

L. Matjošaitytė: has all the powers of a member of the Seimas

Previously, CEC President Laura Matjošaitytė told BNS that A.Guoga was requesting the revocation of her mandate as of Thursday, January 14.

However, on Thursday L. Matjošaitytė 15 minutes He emphasized that A.Guoga is still a member of the Seimas and will have a mandate for one more week.

“A person ceases to be a member of the Seimas from the moment the CEC makes the decision to terminate the term of a member of the Seimas earlier and the decision takes effect. The commission session has not yet taken place, the person did not attend the commission session, did not make his statement, the commission did not make a decision, so he has all the powers, rights and duties of a member of the Seimas ”, He emphasized.

According to L. Matjošaitytė, the CEC meeting is likely to take place in a week, next Thursday.

However, on Thursday a press release was posted on the Cypherpunk Holdings website, announcing that A.Guoga has now returned to the role of CEO.

The report announces that A.Guoga has returned after resigning from the Lithuanian parliament on January 13.

“So you can devote your full attention and time to Cypherpunk Holdings,” the report says.

The published attendance data shows that A.Guoga did not register at least during the morning session of the Seimas on Thursday.

We have not yet been able to communicate with A.Guoga.

Conservative Stasys Šedbaras, chairman of the Seimas Law and Order Committee, told BNS that A.Guoga’s return to business while still a member of Seimas violates the Constitution and could be prosecuted for it, but admits that the Seimas does not I could organize this process.

“He has violated the Constitution, but he understands that we will no longer be able to impose sanctions on him and he is using it. (…) It violates a provision of the Constitution that prohibits other jobs. This is where the state, the Constitution, the colleagues of the Seimas and the voters who elected him came in, ”S. Shedbar told BNS on Thursday.

According to him, A. Guoga “was waiting for an opportunity to escape from business.”
