A.Guoga retires for fear of impeachment? He is appointed CEO of the company, but assures that he has resigned


The Central Election Commission has yet to make a decision on A.Guoga, the commission’s chairwoman Laura Matjošaitytė told BNS on Tuesday that A.Guoga is requesting the revocation of her mandate as of Thursday, January 14.

Cypherpunk Holdings is a Canadian company that invests in technology and cryptocurrencies.

When applying for the Seimas, A.Guoga registered the aforementioned company in his declaration of private interests, but indicated that he was a consultant and not a CEO.

A company report published on August 4 last year states that A.Guoga has become its CEO. His responsibilities are listed on the company website even now.

Cypherpunk Holdings presents his guide on the page as a well-known investor, businessman, poker player, as well as a former member of the European Parliament.

It is not mentioned that he is a member of the Seimas.

Presentation of A.Guoga on the company page

Presentation of A.Guoga on the company page

A.Guoga: activities in the company are suspended indefinitely

15 minutes On Wednesday, A.Guoga could not be called, but agreed to comment on the situation via SMS.

“In response to your question about Cypherpunk Holdings, I would like to clarify that before I become a member of Seimas, my activities in the company are suspended for an indefinite period. I am only an investor. Thank you for your attention and I wish you a beautiful day.” , wrote A.Guoga.

However, A.Guoga is also named CEO and President of Cypherpunk Holdins in her press releases, which were distributed at the time she was a member of the Seimas.

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Antanas Guoga

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Antanas Guoga

For example, it is mentioned in a notice issued on December 30 last year about a new investment in NGRAVE.

Commenting on the investment, Antanas Tony Guoga, President and CEO of Cypherpunk Holdings, said: “The NGRAVE team is a strong leader in the competitive fight and complements our existing portfolio of privacy-based e-wallets. This investment in NGRAVE forms the basis for our increased participation in the growth of the company, “the report on the company’s website reads.

15 minutes After writing to A.Guoga that he was already cited in reports as a leader when he was at the Seimas, and there was no information that he had suspended his activities, A.Guoga wrote: “On” asked permission “simply”.

In Canada, ‘leaves of absence’, or leaves to be out of work for a period of time, are granted for cases where an employee is unable to work for a variety of reasons.

“We will provide all the documents, if necessary. Now let’s get back to business,” wrote A.Guoga. 15 minutes.

When asked to send a document suspending his activities in the company, A. Guoga sent the minutes of the meeting of the Investors Committee of the company, in which it is indicated that Tony Guoga presented a request not to work as of 11 November indefinitely.

A.Guoga was sworn in as a member of the Seimas two days later, on November 13.

V. Sinkevičius: had to end any relationship with the company

Expert in Constitutional Law, Professor at the Department of Constitutional Law at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Vytautas Sinkevičius 15 minutes He said Wednesday that the Constitutional Court had already ruled in a 2004 ruling that the Constitution enshrined two prohibitions: working in any commercial company, etc., and receiving another salary, except that of a parliamentarian.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Vytautas Sinkevičius

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min / Vytautas Sinkevičius

What is that job? It is very widely explained that regardless of whether or not you have a contract, whether it is a permanent job, whether it is a one-time job, a seasonal job or the representation of a company directly or an honorary position, a member of the Seimas is prohibited. In this case, suspensions, suspensions and the like are not possible, you must renounce those duties before taking the oath. You must break all ties with that company. “

V. Sinkevičius emphasized that a member of the Seimas must end any relationship, leave the company in general.

Any communication must be terminated before taking the oath.

“It doesn’t matter if you get paid for it or not, if the activity is permanent or episodic. This is strictly prohibited. And you must remove all these prohibitions before taking the oath,” he said.

According to the legal expert, although the activities have been suspended, the functions have not been fulfilled, they have been maintained, which is prohibited by the Constitution.

“It does not matter if he does a specific job or not, he cannot take office. The Constitutional Court covers very broadly any relationship with a company. Any tie must be ended before taking the oath,” emphasized V. Sinkevičius.

The Statute of the Seimas establishes that an accusation against a member of the Seimas and other high officials, judges, etc. they can be prepared if they have seriously violated the Constitution, broken their oath when it became clear that a crime had been committed.

Before sending the document, A.Guoga called himself 15 minutes to a journalist.

After hearing that the constitutional law expert emphasized the need to break all ties with the company, and it was not enough to distance himself, the outgoing Seimas politician said that before becoming a member of parliament, he was advised to suspend his activities in the company.

“I mean, I should have had a better lawyer, I had to advise even better,” he said.

“It just came to our knowledge then. There is an investment company here, it does absolutely no business, it invests, I am a majority shareholder, I have a hundred more companies. I just don’t understand why they are attacking me,” said A.Guoga.
