A graduate of the Klaipeda School of Tourism also cooks for kings


Today a young man firmly knows what he wants: to open the doors of his business. “I just pursue my goal the way I envision it, and because I’m self-critical, I’m lucky,” says Nerijus.

– I don’t care, tell me what inspired you to choose the profession of chef?

– I started studying the profession of chef after the tenth grade to get a profession along with high school education. The entrance to the Klaipeda School of Tourism was motivated by knowing the objective.

And the desire came when we cooked food at home with my great-grandmother and my mother. Even then, stronger and stronger visions of hobbies and future work developed.

– How would you describe your experience at school? What did you like the most about here?

– The experience at the school is really pleasant and full of memorable stories both with the friends of the group and with the professional training teachers with whom we still maintain a warm relationship. I really enjoyed the basics of cooking from Svetlana Jadova, I was eagerly awaiting them.

One of the strengths of the school is that students have the opportunity to participate in various professional competitions both in Lithuania and in the European Union. I am the winner of the Lithuanian Young Chefs Professional Masters Contest; in 2014 I won a gold medal representing the school.

I was also one of the initiators of the culinary safari Klaipėda Gastro 2016. We continue to have close contacts with the school, I come to share our experience, we collaborate by sending students to the Erasmus + internship program abroad.

– What were your life plans after graduation? They were successful?

– I believe that every forward thinking professional in their field is considering their own catering company. I thought so too, but I chose to travel after studying, gain different experiences abroad and once again establish that I can.

My business idea continues to appear in the drawer and waiting for the right moment to see the light, but I can say that I already found the place and it is only a matter of time before everything goes well.

– How was your professional career? What are you doing now?

– After my studies, I got a job in a restaurant in Klaipeda, where I strengthened my professional “backbone”, I was the chef of a gastronomic culture kitchen.

In Scandinavia, you had to serve influential people: the family of the Queen of Norway, actor Jim Carrey, and others. All these achievements evolve on their own because I know that I am on my way. I currently work at the Pepper Gray restaurant in Klaipeda.

– What advice would you give future students?

– Nobody will teach you if you don’t want to, and all your success depends only on your wishes and vision of life.
