A Frenchman about the end of his term, the purchase of a vaccine and the Seimas hotel: I would destroy if it were my will


If it were my will and I had so much health, I would say that we are demolishing that hotel, building a hotel with minimal needs in the middle of the courtyard, so that at the same time it is protected that there is a parking lot for all the people who come to the Seimas. But it is always necessary to have the courage to say that we are not building for those who are today, but that we are building to save money for the people ”, reasoned V. Pranckietis on the air of Žinių radio.

However, according to the president of Seimas, calculations show that it pays the state to have premises where homeless parliamentarians can stay in the capital.

“It is very clearly economically calculated that if we rent these premises in hotels, it would cost around 7 times more expensive than maintaining this hotel. Berods, a one-man place costs 67 euros per month. It is definitely not more expensive than renting a hotel ”, he emphasized.

As ELTA announced in mid-September, the Seimas Chancellery announced the purchase of simple repairs to the Seimas Hotel apartments. Simple repair work is planned for a total of 16 apartments. The initial value of the contract is 407 thousand. EUR excluding VAT, specified in the procurement documents.
Currently, the Statute of the Seimas stipulates that, first of all, a living space is provided in a Seimas hotel and the costs of public services are reimbursed to a member of the Seimas who does not own a living space on the territory of the city municipality. from Vilnius in the last five years and no more than 25 km. administrative boundaries.

According to the current legal regulation, other members of the Seimas, who have a living space within the administrative limits of the Vilnius city municipality, can live in a Seimas hotel without paying rent (paying only hot and cold water, electricity , gas, thermal energy and utilities).

At the end of the Seimas, there is no shortage of populist proposals

Seimas spokesman Viktoras Pranckietis says there will be no shortage of populist proposals at the end of the last session of the Seimas. According to him, the parties offer people to share money or make other noisy but difficult to implement or unnecessary offers.
V. Pranckietis called the “peasant” initiative on the establishment of state pharmacies, which failed on Tuesday, as one of them.

“I think this is another ‘peasant’ electoral joke. A group of people want to believe that and ruin the idea that people have something good here. Once upon a time, Lithuania’s state pharmacies went bankrupt and were privatized, ”V. Pranckietis said on the Pozicija news radio program.
“When many laws are passed now, it must be taken into account that there may be another majority and a different budget. (…) We should not violate the laws now, which should be implemented by another government, ”said the Seimas Spokesperson.

According to him, another populist proposal was the introduction of the so-called 13th pension. Lithuania’s Polish electoral campaign, the Union of Christian Families, tried to put such a project on the agenda of the Seimas session to be held on Thursday.

“If we have such payment opportunities, then maybe we will distribute that 200 euros to each pension throughout the year; let’s increase the pensions and not play with the real knowledge that such a law will not pass.” But the motto can run. (…) There are “slogan” laws, but they will all have a negative ending, “said V. Pranckietis.

According to the president of Seimas, such noisy proposals are presented due to the upcoming elections.
“If there were no elections, there wouldn’t be a lot of those laws and that money. It’s good that people are receiving money, but they can get it in the normal way, when they are not given election tickets, but simply benefits, allowances, pension increases. , salaries. (…) Here people are happy, not salary increases, “added V. Pranckietis.

On the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine: it is important that this is done in a transparent way

Having decided that Lithuania, along with other European Union countries, will buy the COVID-19 vaccine, Seimas Spokesperson Viktoras Pranckietis emphasizes that the most important thing is to do it in a transparent way, so that there are no doubts about what happened with the obtaining rapid evidence.

“It’s very good that it was made public, that there was no fear to say that it was really expensive. (…) It is important that the acquisitions are transparent and there is no doubt how they were collected and now they are still not dispersed due to some acquisitions, “V. Pranckietis told” radio Žinių “on Wednesday.

“Publicity and accountability are important in choosing solutions for people to protect them, as well as to protect the future economy, because the economic losses of buying a vaccine during the spread of a pandemic can outweigh the costs. to handle the pandemic, “added the president.

According to Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis previously, the maximum amount the state could have to spend on the purchase of the COVID-19 vaccine would be 125 million. euros.

According to the Prime Minister, the Lithuanian population will not have to pay for the vaccine and it will be financed from the state budget.
It is planned to vaccinate 70%. populations.

The “peasants” try to play the patriots in Lukiškės square before the elections

Seimas spokesman Viktoras Pranckietis claims that the “peasants”, intensifying the problem of Lukiškės square, are trying to play patriot before the elections. The Speaker of the Seimas recalls that three years ago the Ministry of Culture led by the “peasants” moved the Vytis sculpture to Kaunas, and now, according to him, the rulers are raising the idea of ​​the Vytis sculpture in Lukiškės square again. V. Pranckietis states that I do not believe that politicians should change their minds on matters of principle.

“I would just like to remind you of what the ‘peasants’ are now trying to make patriots for Lukiškės square, just remember what it was like three years ago, when the competition was announced and all the people were waiting, and the Seimas had decided that Vytis , a soldier of freedom, sculpture, “V. Pranckietis told” Radio Žinių “.

“Then the competition organized by the Ministry of Peasants brought Vytis to Kaunas, they honorably accepted him in Kaunas, and now we decide and say again that the symbol must be Vytis and again we become patriots before the elections,” he also recalled.

The Seimas Spokesperson emphasizes that his opinion on fundamental issues cannot be changed, according to him, one should always be a patriot, and not only when it is favorable.

“You must always be the same patriot, not change your mind. And there was no need to confront people three years ago judging by putting the competition in interesting terms, where other people’s expectations were also broken. I think it is always necessary to act accordingly. the same way and declare the thought in the same way ”, said the Spokesman of the Seimas, urging the“ peasants ”to be faithful to the people at all times.

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