A foreigner residing in Lithuania named 7 observations about our country: I do not understand only two things


1. Lithuanians are better than they think. Especially young people. In no country have I come across people who work so hard, try hard, invent. The younger generation wants to work, they are not afraid of work and approach it responsibly. Lithuania has one of the best customer services in the world. For both tourists and locals, with smiles, different languages, friendly and open.

2. Lithuania is a country of opportunities. Lithuanians love and are proud of their country, the state, most of them are very patriotic. And there are certainly reasons for this: it has managed to create a state right here.
Good actions are encouraged, bad actions are condemned. There is a spirit of justice in society. At the same time, there is no bureaucracy, there is no separation between ‘state’ and ‘man’; Especially in the whole pandemic example, we see that the same people we interact with in our daily lives control and make decisions.

They make decisions, they make mistakes, they make unpopular or popular decisions, but none of them are clearly acting in their own interests beyond the interests of the majority of the population. Earning a million (or some other amount) in today’s Lithuania is easier than stealing.

3. Lithuanian products of the country are a symbol of quality. All went well.

4. You can learn the Lithuanian language. No one is surprised that there are many people in the country who speak Russian, English and Lithuanian. For me, it’s still ohoho. If you want to know what A1 level looks like in life, you can understand from this text. Or by communicating with me live :).

5. Two Lithuanian traditions that neither I nor another person born in another country will understand: how to eat 2 zeppelins and why go to Palanga every summer, if you can fly to Barcelona or Greece for this money?

6. Talking about the size of the country doesn’t really matter. The European market is open to all ideas. Lithuanian baked bread is sold in Thai stores. Vilnius is not like a small city where something is missing, rather it looks like a super modern European capital. Even in France, Vilnius would be the third largest city. All the ideas implemented in the city are fresh, challenging and sincere.

7. Lithuania has changed me and these changes are good and serious. Oh, and as of today I have a permanent residence permit. See you at Jamaica bar if the quarantine ends one day :).

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