A family got into a disaster carousel: they lost their homes after their grandparents’ funeral


“Our house burned down, and not only ours, but also the neighbors’, because the house was halfway there … Everything burned down. Documents, money, passports … I hope there are good people in this world and I can donate a penny ”, Agata addressed people of good will in a social forum.

She told the news portal that it all happened in the Salcininkai district. In the village of Gudeliai. However, according to Agata, a month ago she got married and moved in with her husband to live in a rented one-bedroom apartment in Salininkai. However, her parents and two sisters continued to live in Gudeli.

“There’s no way I can help my family right now, because we really have very little space,” she said, even though she has currently put two sisters to sleep and their parents have had to sleep in the car.

Agata recalled that she found out about the disaster when her mother called her unexpectedly around two thirty at night.

“He asked me to come quickly because ‘the house caught fire.’ I reacted immediately and came from Salininkai. In fact, faster than the nearby fire station. When I arrived, I saw that everything was burning, both part of our family’s house and everything in our neighbors had burned. There is nothing left, “he said sadly.

When asked what caused the fire, Agata replied that an examination today found that it all happened “because of electricity.”

“My family, dad, mom and two sisters lived in the part of the house that belonged to them. It is very good that the sisters were not at home at the time. When their parents called them, they came quickly too and now everyone is really in shock. We were left with absolutely nothing, and my mother was left with only one night. “

The girl said her neighborhood had offered her family to live in a retirement home, but said they still needed a place to live longer.

“We are looking for a house to rent, and since my husband and I live in a small apartment in Salininkai, we thought we should live together. That would be cheaper. Now I am pregnant, it is definitely not a situation.”

He didn’t hide the fact that the old man had suggested where to stay temporarily, but according to Agatha, they refused to go home because he didn’t even have windows.

“It really helps a lot of people, I didn’t even expect there to be so many good people. However, it must be said that now my family is completely homeless, they have nothing left and can only live in rented premises. “

The girl was also consoled that her grandparents had died two weeks ago on her birthday, and now this terrible disaster has occurred.

“Two weeks have passed and the house has caught fire. It belonged to her grandmother. “

She says that her mother is still in shock at the moment, she has lost her voice and cannot speak at the moment due to hoarseness. Agata also said that neither they nor the family’s old wooden house in the neighborhood were insured.

Rushed to the scene

Gerviškiai elder Valerijus Ivaška “Delfi” confirmed that the two-family home in Gudeliai village caught fire. He himself went to the scene today to speak with the victims.

“It just came to our knowledge at that time. There was no tragedy and no one died. We offered help, we asked for a container to remove the rubble. There are really many, because there were two families from two sides living in the house. It is clear that this is a very big disaster and we are trying to help, both the town and the municipality are helping. “

However, he said that the place where the families were offered accommodation was neat and recently renovated.

“There are separate modern rooms. So far we do not accept such help, but I will not know how it will be there. They are two different families and they are treated differently at the moment. “

He also said that it is appreciated that there is no wind and the fire does not spread further, since this town is very peculiar and old, so the houses are almost a meter away.

“I have the locals to thank very much for not being indifferent and trying to help as much as they can. In general, we thank all the people of Lithuania who have reacted indifferently to the call for help on social media ”.

A family got into a disaster carousel: they lost their homes after their grandparents' funeral

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The summary of the Fire Protection and Rescue Department (PAGD) states that Šalčininkai district, Gerviškių sen., Gudelių village, Gudelių st. a single house caught fire When rescuers arrived, a wooden brick house on the first floor burned down and people had already left.

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