A drunken Vilnius resident infected with a coronavirus swept the streets of the capital: I couldn’t control myself


And it soon became clear that A. Drėgva was not only intoxicated with alcohol, but was also infected with the dangerous disease COVID-19 and caused a traffic accident.

For being intoxicated when it was set at 1.95 avg. Drunk on alcohol, driving a Chrysler car and failing to comply with mandatory coronavirus self-isolation, A. Drėgva was indicted.

The Vilnius City District Court judge Mindaugas Ražanskas, after examining the criminal case, decided to impose a fine of 4 thousand euros on A. Dr agva. As the man had spent a day in custody, the court reduced the convict’s fine to 3.9 thousand. Eur and ordered that the state budget be paid within ten months.

Furthermore, the convicted person was sentenced to criminal measures: A. Drėgvai was banned from driving road vehicles for two years and a Chrysler car was impounded.

‘TO. Moist drove the car while intoxicated when it was set at 1.95 avg. intoxication, and was unaware of the dangerous communicable disease COVID-19 when he was informed by a medical institution and warned about the protective measures to take when communicating with people, forcing himself to be isolated, thus endangering others of spreading a dangerous contagious disease COVID-19 “, said judge M. Ražanskas in the sentence.

According to him, while driving a vehicle while intoxicated, A. Drėgva posed a particularly serious danger both to traffic safety and to people’s health and lives: “A. The alcohol content of moist exhaled air is 1.95 avg. alcohol was almost five times the alcohol limit above which road driving is prohibited (0.4 percent) and significantly exceeded the alcohol limit above which criminal liability was imposed (1.50 percent) ”.

A drunken Vilnius resident infected with a coronavirus swept the streets of the capital: I couldn't control myself

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to the data in the case, it was established that the car driven by A. Drėgva was stopped by Chrysler police officers on March 30, around 6.30 pm. Examination of the data revealed that the driver also suffered from a dangerous contagious COVID-19 disease.

A. Drėgvas, a citizen of Vilnius, informed the police officers about the threat to traffic safety. He said it was around 6pm that day. drove through Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėno streets.

“When I stopped at the intersection, a silver Chrysler car pulled up next to him, whose driver had opened the window; he started showing me various gestures, then he maneuvered unsafe on the highway, the bus lane passed the car, on the other The intersection went through a red or flashing light, so I suspected that the driver of a Chrysler car might be intoxicated, ”the driver recalled.

He immediately called the General Helpline and told them what he had seen and dictated the Chrysler license plates, as well as informing officers in which direction the car was headed.

A. Drėgva’s car was stopped by police officers when he returned to the yard near his home. The driver immediately denied that he posed a threat to traffic safety while driving through Vilnius.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I started drinking alcoholic beverages: I drank a 0.7-liter bottle of wine and at about 6 pm I left the house because I had left important things in the car that I wanted to take home, the man said. “When I got in the car, I collected things and wanted to bring the car closer to the stairs, but as soon as I started driving, when I drove a few meters, the road was blocked by police officers.”

The man apologized for being stupid: “I really wouldn’t have left home if I hadn’t left important things in the car: the charger and the car documents.”

During the trial of the criminal case in court, A. Drėgva changed his position: he admitted that he was driving in Vilnius on that day while under the influence of alcohol.

“March 29 I was tested for COVID-19 and then joined e-sveikata Systems I found out that the test result is positive, and they also instructed me on how to behave and what to do, – the man spoke during the meeting. – The family doctor who called me also informed me about the rules of self-isolation. March 30 at home I drank two bottles of wine and decided to collect things from the car. Going to the car, I got behind the wheel and got out, drove around town, and went back to my yard. Then the police arrived. “

The Vilnius resident, who was prosecuted, did not hide that while sitting behind the wheel of the car, he not only understood, but also personally felt that he was intoxicated with alcohol.

Associative photo

Associative photo

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“I did not adhere to self-isolation due to intoxication, because after drinking I did not realize what I was doing,” justified A. Drėgva.

The man also admitted that he rarely uses alcohol, but “if I drink, I drink a lot of alcohol in one day.”

“But I don’t need help, I can control myself,” added the Vilnius resident who regretted this irresponsible behavior.

At the time, a police officer, who detained A. Drėgva while he was drunk at the wheel of a car, said during questioning that a warden of the Vilnius County Police Chief of Police Operational Management Division had ordered him to search driver’s health. Police station.

“He provided the home address of the owner of the car, with the order to verify if the driver was really sober, since information was received that he could be under the influence of alcohol,” said a police officer. – While driving to the driver’s place of residence, I was again informed that the car was traveling on a street leading to the driver’s place of residence. When I entered the courtyard of the driver’s house, I noticed that he was driving a Chrysler, which I immediately stopped. When I approached the driver of the car, I saw that the driver was obviously drunk: he was speaking vaguely, his movements were not coordinated, the smell of alcohol was spreading from the driver’s mouth. Furthermore, he was without a mask covering his mouth. When asked if he drank alcohol, the driver replied that he had been drinking for about an hour. “

According to the official, it later turned out that A. Drėgva was not only driving a car while intoxicated with a coronavirus, but also caused a traffic accident: he damaged another vehicle.

“Two men approached me at the scene and said they saw a Chrysler car in reverse, obstructing another Audi car parked in the yard and damaging the front bumper,” the official said.

According to him, the driver denied damaging another vehicle.

“Nor could he explain why he was driving and not isolating himself,” the police officer stressed.

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