a delicious spring salad that provides tremendous benefits to the body


They are also encouraged by health professionals, who constantly repeat the golden rule of a healthy diet, that half of each plate should be made up of vegetables and the rest meats and cereals.

Therefore, representatives of the Lithuanian retail chain, recalling the benefits of salads, share spring ideas for their production, which will surprise with taste and enrich the body with such deficient vitamins.

Protects and strengthens health.

According to Ernesta Dapkienė, director of Maxima’s Image and Communication Department, self-care has now become a priority for most Lithuanians. As a result, more and more shoppers are looking for healthy products on store shelves, he said.

“Our loyal customer surveys show that interest in a balanced and healthy diet has increased significantly during the pandemic. Shoppers are increasingly taking into account the nutrition of the products they buy, the benefits to the body, and are especially picky about their quality and naturalness. We are developing a close collaboration with Lithuanian farmers, so that we can offer our customers organic vegetables grown in our country. It is gratifying that they become the basis of nutrition for many Lithuanians, because they are a source of essential vitamins, useful substances and health ”, emphasizes E. Dapkienė.

Brigita Baratinskaitė, head of Maxima’s food production department, agrees with this. She urges everyone to include as many vegetables as possible in their daily diet, the benefits of which will soon be noticed by all. According to a food expert, spring is a good time to enjoy these products because the harvest season determines the greatest freshness, quality, flavor and nutrition.

“The latter is especially distinguished from leafy vegetables, also known as one of the top seven superproducts. They are the basis of energy, health, good humor, as well as a source of vitamins, minerals, useful substances necessary for the body.

For example, spinach is rich in calcium, iron, antioxidants, they perfectly improve brain function and protect the immune system. At the same time, kale lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, and only 7 calories in a glass. Therefore, it is simply necessary to include vegetables in the daily diet.

Also, when choosing them, you should put as many colors as possible on the plate. This will make the food look better and stimulate your appetite more. At the same time, each color of the vegetables is determined by a different antioxidant, which has a different and positive effect on health, ”says B. Baratinskaitė.

Therefore, after sharing the health benefits of these products, the food expert offers two culinary ideas, which will lead to the preparation of especially delicious and enriching salads.

Fresh and healthy salad

Will need:

  • 300 g of spinach,
  • half a glass of walnuts,
  • half a package of feta cheese,
  • 1 granato
  • onion quarter,
  • 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar.

Wash the spinach leaves, drain, place in a salad bowl. Put chopped onion, feta cheese, walnuts on the vegetables. Remove the pomegranate seeds and sprinkle them over the salad. Then sprinkle everything with balsamic vinegar, mix and taste.

“These salads are special for their ingredients. In them, all the benefits of spinach are complemented by walnuts and pomegranates. The former is a true superfood for the brain, while improving mood and ensuring stable sleep. Pomegranates, meanwhile, lower blood pressure, restore hormonal balance in the body, lower blood glucose and even act as natural insulin. Furthermore, they give these salads a sweet acidity, which is why they are so expressive, fresh and rich in flavors ”, says B. Baratinskaitė.

Sweet and colorful salad

Will need:

  • a couple of peaches,
  • a couple of plums,
  • half fresh cucumber,
  • a package of mozzarella cheese,
  • a handful of fresh basil leaves,
  • olive oil slag,
  • a pinch of salt and black pepper.

Slice the peaches, plums and mozzarella cheese. Then cut the cucumber and salad into cubes, put them together with the basil on a plate. Sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with spices, mix everything and taste.

“These salads can even be a great dessert. They are naturally sweet, expressive in flavor and will surprise anyone looking for new culinary ideas. Although there are fewer vegetables here, this dish is also enriched with vitamins and beneficial substances. Plums alone are rich in minerals, fiber and antioxidants, which reduce the probability of some chronic diseases ”, says B. Baratinskaitė.
